Day 13— Wigan

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September 28th 2007
Published: October 3rd 2007
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We were on the road by close after 10, and Tanya decided to skip Liverpool, for fear of being shot or blown up, and figured we should head straight to her Aunts in Wigan. We made such good time up the M6, that we went past our exit by a couple and had to turn around and go back to the turn. We then hit further traffic delays due to an accident.

We arrived at Wigan and as soon as Tanya saw Bill in the street waving us in to the correct address, the tears started. It only got more voluminous when Joyce met us out the front.

We had a great 21 odd hours with Bill and Joyce, and Tanya has promised to not wait another 37 years before she visits again. We wandered around the local lochs which you can go from Liverpool to Leeds along, before heading home for a big dinner. The kids were particularly pleased with their favourite, Spaghetti.

A cooked brekky the next morning, our first in a long time, and then off.

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