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August 28th 2018
Published: August 28th 2018
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It was a smooth, easy flight, and a breeze through Gatwick (I was on the train within an hour of touching down!) Happily, my T-Mobile service works perfectly - and gives me a virtual private network for internet use.

I arrived in Notting Hill on the bank holiday used for their annual Carnivale - WOOHOO! The streets were throbbing with people from many nations, stomping to driving drums and blowing whistles. A happy, jubilant throng, although there was a strong police presence (2000) to ensure safety and order.

Dizzy from lack of sleep, I did manage a mile or so into Hyde Park, where two Portland gals took my picture and a guy from Houston sat on the bench with me chatting. (Do I have a flag of origin on my forehead?)

My room is MINISCULE (tiny house tryout: I can open my suitcase only on the bed), but well located and nicely appointed. I now know the minimum size aperture through which I can fit (shower door)...

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Notting Hill CarnivaleNotting Hill Carnivale
Notting Hill Carnivale

These ladies were from Amsterdam!
Notting Hill CarnivaleNotting Hill Carnivale
Notting Hill Carnivale

These performers were TIRED.
Notting Hill Cote BistroNotting Hill Cote Bistro
Notting Hill Cote Bistro

Heirloom tomato salad
Notting Hill Cote BistroNotting Hill Cote Bistro
Notting Hill Cote Bistro

Grilled sea bream, eggplant purée and garden pea melange. (Not pictured: pot de creme au chocolate.) Three courses and a beer for $25.
Kensington PalaceKensington Palace
Kensington Palace

All paths lead to Victoria. (The gals who took this picture were from Portland, OR!)

28th August 2018
I barely fit

No way you can fall in the shower! Loved the colorful parade.
28th August 2018

It looks like they knew you were coming! A celebration in the streets. Really, what is up with the tiny rooms and itiny showers?
28th August 2018

It looks like they knew you were coming! A celebration in the streets. Really, what is up with the tiny rooms and itiny showers?
28th August 2018

So glad you had such an easy flight. Wow they must be thrilled you are there. Not everyone gets a parade upon arrival. Keep up the blogs and have exceptional travels.
29th August 2018

Good Karma!
Great timing to arrive when you did! Fun to see the celebration and nice to be in cooler temps. Sleep well!
31st August 2018

Your shower makes me claustrophobic!
Love your adventures here, however I think I might have had to take a spit bath instead of using that shower....I almost hyperventilate just looking at it and imagining have to shut the door!!! You are doing a great job capturing your adventures. Love reading your blog! Take care

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