Day One- Departure and Arrival

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June 26th 2018
Published: June 26th 2018
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Hello and welcome to my UK/Europe blog for the people in my life that would like to hear about it! I am currently writing this in Highgate, London, where I will be for the next four days and four nights.

Our journey overseas consisted of three flights, Brisbane to Sydney, Sydney to Doha, and Doha to London. The first flight of 1.5 hours went incredibly quickly, and made us feel as though we had more time to get to Sydney International Airport to get to Doha. Whilst moseying through the lavish duty free makeup and handbags and alcohol and chocolate, Trude and I realised that our flight had been called to board. We rushed to the gate and consequently waited another hour on board the plane, before the 15 hour flight took off.

The flight wasn’t amazing- it would have been a lot better if we weren’t sitting right next to the toilets (which we thought was a good idea upon booking) and if the family of four in front of us hadn’t kept unexpectedly thrusting their seats back, scaring us to death and almost hitting our noses with the tv screen.

We had an hour to kill in Doha before the flight to London, but, both Trudi and I being inexperienced alone overseas travellers, we headed straight to the gate and waited there- you know, in case we got lost and never made it back to the plane.

We landed in London, headed through Immigration and Customs, collected luggage and sat down at an overpriced airport cafe, deciding on the best way to make it to Highgate. We’d been told it was worth getting an Oyster card (London’s go-card) for the week we’re there as it would save constantly buying tickets, however I found out tonight we could have simply tapped our credit cards on the travel scanner. Anyway, we bought the £5 Oyster card, loaded it with £10, and caught the underground tube to Leicester Square, where we changed over to another tube taking us to Highgate.

Once in Highgate we realised we didn’t know how to get to the address of Trudi’s aunt and uncle, and we didn’t have a map or access to the internet to get one. So we had to continuously ask strangers if they knew where the road was, and we managed to piece together bits of info from each Londoner and find the address! We felt v. proud of ourselves.

No one was home when we arrived but we’d been left with instructions on how to get in, and once we got in we fell straight into a non-sleep-exhausted-stare at the ceiling coma. Stayed in all afternoon and met all of the wonderful family hosting us for the week, and eventually decided at 9:30pm, in broad daylight, that it was time for a long sleep.

I’m sorry if parts of this doesn’t make sense! I’m writing as I’m falling asleep, and hopefully this will still make it up onto the blog before I drift off. See you tomorrow!


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