Asygarth Falls

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June 9th 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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Early morning mist on the tops thereafter very hot and mostly sunny - again.

First stop Aysgarth Falls. Arrived soon after 8 - and paid £2 to park - no objection as the money goes straight into the coffers of the National Park. There are three falls - aptly named Upper, Middle and Lower. All within half a mile of the Visitor Centre / Car Park and accessed along paths through attractive woodland. Spent about an hour wandering around the falls which are attractive without being dramatic - really only a few feet height then mooched around the visitor centre and bought some post cards …..

From the falls I drove over Bishopsdale which is one of the most dramatic but less visited of the dales. Has an interesting descent - need to keep eyes firmly on the road and not pay too much attention to the view. Safely reaching the valley floor I visited St Andrew’s in Hubberholme which is a most unusual church - a rather contrived mixture of styles. Sorry cannot describe - you will have to visit.

Continued down Wharfedale to Kettleness where I took some photos and then followed the very steep road over the moorland and down into Coverdale which is most attractive. Lunch was taken on the summit with glorious views in all directions. Heat beginning to take its toll so returned to camp relatively early to have a leisurely supper.


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