Marigold Hotel on-the-road (with kids)

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November 6th 2017
Published: November 8th 2017
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Route to India

5 hour break in Helsinki on the way out, just enough time to see the city centre...

Well, back to India after 30 years away. Trying to recall what happened back then....all a blur now!

I was persuaded to go again by some friends of over 40 years standing (but mostly sitting or lying down) who wished to go before they got any older.

These friends consist of Mal, from Liverpool, whose husband is too ill to join us, so she will be leaving early in order to be with him at Christmas. Also a retired couple, Bill & Shirl, and their recently adopted grandchildren, Rocco (9) and Esmee (6).

We are going for the month of December (but only 3 weeks for Mal).

We have bought our return flights through Finnair, so a stopover at Helsinki is on the cards, but we'll only have a chance to see the city on our outward flight (with 5 hours to kill).

We have all bought our e-visa's (£65 each) after getting the right sized photo's (as jpegs) and passport scans (as right-sized pdf's). This was easier than via the Embassy 30 years ago.

I have booked all our hotels, and paid for most of them.

Booking our trains has been a bit of a nightmare: my credit card being compromised just when I needed to pass on details to Indrail. By the time my new one arrived the trains were getting booked up and I had to change a few to get us all together especially on night trains. All done now, but we now travel on AC3 for 2 journeys and AC2 for others (my dreams of AC1 being dashed). Problems I was expecting as travelling in a group of 6.

The plan of action is: Delhi - Gaya (for Bodhgaya) - Varanasi - Umaria (for Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve) - Jaipur - Agra - Delhi with 3 or 4 days at each place (see attached map).

We have had our jabs, bought mossie nets and repellents. Bought medical supplies, earplugs, adaptors and Bluetooth headphones (in my case anyway).

Knowing India, something (or everything) will go wrong and I need to be prepared for the eventuality and not allow the bureaucracy to get me down. We will see.......


8th November 2017

Have a fab adventure!
All the best for your next travel adventure - will look forward to reading all about it on the blog. Just back from 3+ weeks in China and wish now i’d got myself organised with a blog. Look forward to a post adventure catch up perhaps early next year to swap stories - although yours promises to be a lot more full on! Enjoy!
8th November 2017

Thanks Carol, just found this site the other day after weeks of looking, a shame TravelPod stopped, but this one looks just as good. Getting the jitters now as the leaving day looms nearer! But I'm getting lots of advice from the Indian couple, with the corner shop over the road...
8th November 2017

Have a lovely time, Cuz. I'm really looking forward to this blog, the others have been great. Have fun, don't smoke too many beedies! xxx
9th November 2017

Trip to India
Hi Dick, I am glad that you all managed to arrange the journey of a life time (for some of you). It will be great to read about your trip on the blog. Wishing you all a safe journey and a great time. Give my love to everyone
10th November 2017

I reckon you'll be ready for all events Richard, but just be ready for the unpredictable ones.
12th November 2017

Watch out India!
Very much looking forward to reading about the adventures. It will be fab witnessing Rocco & Esme's reactions!
12th November 2017

Thanks for the heads up to check my junk folder! And the intro to your adventure. It's looking great. Well done for all the work planning etc. Worried I may not get to grips with new blogsite, but seems fine.
Though may not have quite understood the comment system. Have a brilliant time, Richard and all, you've done all the work so don't be worrying, let's just see how it goes! A x
14th November 2017

You seem to have managed the comments OK Annalyn. This site gives me the option to accept or reject comments, so there is an extra filter in case of abuse, but only friends & family should see it.
4th December 2017

Have a great trip & time there! I expect much has changed since your last trip there
6th December 2017

Bravo -- will you eat curried chilis this time?
I read these out of order, so I have an idea who the people are now. The cast is becoming apparent! Looking forward to all the blog posts.

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