Dracula meets Captain Cook

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April 20th 2008
Published: April 20th 2008
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Brams Stokers view
Kia Ora my friends, first of all lets talk about the weather. There is a rumour going around that the main reason we came to England was for the beautiful clear skies. Its not true, the weather continues to be cold and bleak, nearly a month into spring and Yorkshire is no exception. In fact I'm not sure we have seen any sun this weekend, but hey we are out of london and in the North, well lower north anyway. We are up visiting friends who live in Headingly, Leeds, a student town with a nice laid back feeling. As I look out the window I can see couches in some of the backyards so there is a hint of Dunedin here. We meet Sham and Chris in South America a few years ago, they stayed with us when they came to NZ and we are now the recipient of their hospitality. Yesterday we went on an adventure to a little seaside village called Whitby. It was about 2.5 hours drive through the moors of Yorkshire and some great big hole that people hike around. Now Whitby is an old whaling village (I know this because they have a whalebone monument).

Chris, Sham and Anita wander the lanes
It is famous for three things. Captain Cook did his apprenticeship here and then when he was qualified sailed out of Whitby on his big OE, 3 times. Thjere is a huge monastry that was built in the 10th century, refurbished in the 14th century and now stands as an impressive ruin and thirdly Bram Stoker got the idea and used Whitby as the backdrop for his Dracula novel(s). Apparentl Bram was in Whitby on holiday, he was sitting outside one of the seaside cafes having a Latte or in one of the 20+ pubs having a pint when he looked up and saw the ruins of the monastry, he looked to the right and saw the wild sea bashing the wall, looked up and saw grey skies, heard the wind whistling around the narrow alleys and said this would make a great setting for a book about vampires and Vola "Bram Stoker's Drauca was born or ship wrecked." The rest is history. Sorry Nic thats only a lose translation of events. Now if your sensitive (or English) don't read the next lines. Now like I said it was a bleak day but does that stop the poms, no way.

View from the grave
They were out in there masses, eating fish and chips outside, buying their Candy Floss and "Whitby Rock" watching the many entertaining buskers , having fun at the sideshows and amusement arcades. You know that song "Oh i do like to be beside the seaside" 5 bloody degrees on a cold spring day, grey sky and a fresh sea breeze and everyone pretending it was warm and fine. Anyway friends Whitby was lovely and we had a great time.

As I said last time it's nice to be working , even if it is back at Probation, 2 weeks until my first pay, Anita and I are going to Cardiff in two weeks (bank holiday) and we are trying to decide which mediterrainian country we will bless with our presnce in the last week of May (another bank holiday). Hopefully iIwill download some photos to go with this story.
E noho ora mai koutou

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Whitby AbbeyWhitby Abbey
Whitby Abbey

In need of some repairs
Crapton CookCrapton Cook
Crapton Cook

Cook and friend about to depart on their OE

23rd April 2008

Only a prawn in Whitby
Hey thats the home i know and love, don't know what you mean about the weather looks like summer to me! Love reading your blog Tony you're so informative...Its like a mini history lesson on the British Isles!! Keep 'em coming x x's to you and Anita Claire
30th April 2008

chilly sown south too
Loved the photos guys, went to Auckland to a bush wedding in Titirangi last weekend...missed you not being there to say gidday and drink with! Auck was humid warm, drizzly and damp...everything Melbourne is not. Back in oz and its finally winter...40 degrees the week before Easter and Aaron was swimming in the bay. Now is 6 degrees and The dog has one of my slippers outside somewhere. Glad you are both earning now, at least Anita you arnt wiping 80y old bottoms, although tantrums may be worse. As for putting up with renovations at least the neighbours arnt asking for your help. Have fun guys jules garrick and aaron xxx

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