One of those Blog things

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January 29th 2007
Published: January 29th 2007
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So we decided to do one of those blog things so that anyone who wants to check up on us can do but if you only ever pretended to like us and ain't really interested you won't get pestered with group e-mails. Bear with us. We're not too techhie and it looks a bit complicated....

Possibly not making it out of Heathrow anyway as first flight to San Fran is BA and Monday is an earmarked strike day. Bring on the airport beers....

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Aunty Trudy and AbiAunty Trudy and Abi
Aunty Trudy and Abi

A BIG cuddle to last 6 months

29th January 2007

Glad to see you've got the blog sorted! If you get stuck in H'row let me know, your trip adventures can start in exotic Putney!!
31st January 2007

Airport beers for three days...... Will be surprised if you two hear when the strike is over! This if fab idea you have surpassed expectations and I take back anything I ever said about you! Big kisses
5th February 2007

Did you make it to the States?
Heard about a possible strike. What happened? Wherever you are, have a beer on me. Best regards, Joe

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