Doped up on Vaccinations

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November 18th 2007
Published: November 18th 2007
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S'up folks!

I'm aware that no-one is actually reading this blog at the moment, and certainly won't be until we leave for the trip, but in the interests of posterity I feel the time is right for a pre-trip update!

Since my last post, the adventure certainly seems much closer. I am currently carrying strains of Hepatitis, Typhoid, and Diptheria to name just a few, with plenty vaccinations to come. Need to book in Yellow Fever which is going to cost £40+. After a cost/risk analysis, I have decided to ignore the advice of medical professionals and go without Rabies vaccinations. I figure if any rabid dog wants to bite me, Ill just kick it in the face before it gets the chance. After-all as a westerner, I am invincible and can't possibly be affected by these foreign diseases .

We have made a slight change to our itinerary, we are now flying from Singapore to Cairns, then using our internal Oz flight to fly from Cairns to Brisbane. We will then work down the east-coast of Australia and round to Adelaide before flying to New Zealand. The decision has come as a result of realising the isolation of Perth. Much as I would loved to have seen it, needs must, and therefore I must leave it for another trip, another time!

Paul is planning Australia and NZ, as he has lots of relatives out there, so with any luck we will be able to save on accommodation costs!

South-East Asia is in my educated hands; it seems with every day I find something/somewhere else worth visiting. Our trip from Bangkok - Singapore is now interrupted by visits to Laos and Cambodia. However, the cheap cost of living in S.E Asia means both trips are very affordable, and, if we keep our heads screwed on, fairly do-able.

South America is still pretty unplanned. I have noted several places that we must visit - Maachu Picchu, Iguacu, Death Road, Huacachina - Peru (sandboarding & dune buggies), Curitiba (not noted for its tourist attraction, but if A-Level Geography has tought us anything, its that the efficiency of the public transport system in this city will be the highlight of any round-the-world trip.) We figure that by the time we reach South America, 4 months into our trip, we will be so well travelled that we need not plan an itinerary too tightly while still in the UK.

As far as VISA's go, I was quite surprised that Australia is the only place (bar possible complications in Thailand, see below) we need to sort out a visa in advance. As a colony full of the descendants of British convicts, I assumed Brits such as Paul & myself would be entitled to free entry and VIP status. Turns out that the country has come a long way. :insert wink:

The only other Visa issue is that normally in Thailand, visitors are entitled to a 30 day stamp on entry. However, this is dependent on proof of onward travel - in the same form as one travelled into the country. Our problem is that we are flying into Thailand, but out of Singapore. Onwards travel from another country, albeit on the same continent, is not acceptable to the Thai authorities. What this means is we either pay £35 for a special Visa, or buy a budget flight out of Thailand, with no intention of using it, just to act as proof should we need it. Alternatively we could risk going without either. The chances of being checked are minimal, but should we be unlucky and get asked to show proof and not have it, we would be deported. It would make an interesting story in the pub, but probably not be the best start to our trip. Decisions Decision!

Right, thats about it, apologies for the long rant. 7 hours behind a bar, followed by 4 in town, fueled by a mix of red bull (& rooster), red square and vodka can leave one typing pages and pages at 2.55am on a Sunday morning. It is an achievement I have been able to stop here.

Tune in next time for a Monetary update!

(P.S) Forget to mention we have paid off flights!


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