Planting the seed of my 'Round The World Mission - When & Where?

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November 10th 2007
Published: November 30th 2007
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For the when and where I have this initial plan with easily changed dates for a small fee or free. There is a good chance some of the latter destinations may also change. I am set to leave the UK on Christmas Day 2007 as one of my best friends (and current house mate Luke) is going that day for 3 weeks from London Heathrow along with another local friend. So it is someone to get a lift to the airport with for my flight 2 hours after theirs and to hit the ground running with, for a memorable new year in Thailand! From there who knows or really cares. Hopefully another long time friend will be coming out at the end of Jan otherwise I'm on my own.

I plan to stay in this area of South East Asia using additional internal flights with my 'round the world ticket collecting me from Cambodia after visiting Angkor Wat (Tomb Raider Filming Location) within the first week of March. Then back via Singapore for a day for the connecting flight straight down to New Zealand's South Island. I also hope to meet up with another close friend or 2 here. With so much to see and do in New Zealand whatever the weather I plan to leave here from Auckland, New Zealands capital in the North Island a good few months later. I plan to spend at least a month down under then but who knows! Then from here to perhaps one of the Cook Islands then Off to Los Angeles where I plan to move up the coast of California and fly out from San Fransisco then back to London! Shabang! But it is quite likely to all change from other's experiences. Flexibility sounds like the key.

The ticket is a Great Escapade costing approx £1,300 from


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