Last day of work

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December 24th 2010
Published: December 27th 2010
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Twas Christmas Eve and all's right with the world - well not quite. We are both working at home today in an attempt to complete all those last bits and pieces.

Julia has had a stomach pain for the last couple of weeks and went to the doctor this morning for some test results - all negative. Doctor then says it could be Gall stones and she needs a scan. The hospital can't do a scan till next Wednesay and we fly Tuesday night. Julia somewhat distraught!!! Before I called the travel agent to cancel the flights I suggested now was a good time to ring her private health care number. Very nice lady said no problem would 1:30pm be convenient.

We had some spare time before 1:30 so made a trip to Woking, firstly to return the library books ( or pay £83 fine when we get back ) and secondly to buy the ingrediants for tomorrow's Christmas Dinner starter - not quite world war in Sainsburys but I did feel a bit guilty after Julia found the last packet of fresh thyme in amongst the parsley and I then watched a woman behind us vainly search for thteme through all the shelves.

1:30pm and off to the private wing of St Peter's hospital. My gut was beginning to cramp in sympathy by this time. Bit different from the NHS - lots of smiling staff and no waiting. Thankfully no Gall stones - could be stress related? - We need a holiday!

And then back home and maybe start on that those last little bits and pieces from work. There always Tuesday morning to pack!


28th December 2010

Sitting in an office with no windows knowing it is a lovely day out there and all the sensible people are on holiday. Will be looking up at the sky to watch you fly over us. Temperature in Dubai about 20C and will rise to about 25C later. Choice this afternoon of buying washing machine or playing golf. Suspect I will end up with the washing machine. Another punishment for working at Christmas. But am down to last 2 pairs of Joe Grundies so maybe not a bad choice.
28th December 2010

See you in Sydney
You certainly both need that holiday! We know how I said........only 2 months off! I'm sure it will be a great adventure, stomach pains will go & after about 4 weeks you won't either remember what work is like! Enjoy everything, soak it all up & see you in Sydney at the end of Feb 2011 Craig & Barbs

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