Curry - Norfolk Style

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May 11th 2006
Published: May 13th 2006
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Hi Folks

Dinner is abiut ti be served so will have to make this a quick one ! Apologies for not updating earlier - one complaint already. Problem is finding somewhere to log on. So expect this to be an occasionaly diary ........ Arrived in Gibbet Lane Wednesday evening - thats where Heather and Rob live. Also delighted that cousins Andrew and Anthony were also there - a family reunion indeed.

Expect to move on to Lincolnshire on Sunday - if the weather holds. Forecast seems a little dubious for then. So far have been very luck with the exception of last Sunday I have enjoyed warm sunny weather - although the nights have tended to be cold.

Too many places to mention but ... and since you ask .... and in roughly chronological order ...
Sutton Hoo, Rendelsham Forest (famous UFO incident), Minsmere bird reserve, many many castles including Framlingham and Castle Acre. Visited various stately homes such as Felbrig, Holkham and Sheringham. Stand out moment so far has been the trip out to Blakeney Point to see the seals.


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