Day 3 Exploring Liverpool

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May 17th 2008
Published: May 17th 2008
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Liverpool Day 3.

Once again, I woke up extremely early and was not able to sleep in like we had all planned. Around 11, Katie and I went over to Erin’s to use her shower again. At noon, Katie and I went back to Angela Hall to put our shower stuff away and grab anything else we needed for the day. We stopped at McColl’s because Erin needed cash. After being unsuccessful at McColl’s, Kyle and Erin both paid a visit to the hole in the wall.

We then walked back to the security lodge so that we could catch the bus going into the city centre. We didn’t really feel like walking the four and a half miles again.

We got off the bus near the Metropolitan Cathedral. When we were walking towards the cathedral, Heather saw this shop that had a pink jacket in it, and she got really excited. Therefore, we stopped at this shop for twenty minutes or so while Heather was trying on pink coats. I got my first souvenir for Emma while we were there, and I helped Kyle find a souvenir for his sister. Apparently his sister and I are about the same size.

After shopping, we continued our walk to the Metropolitan Cathedral. We were definitely confused about how to enter the Cathedral, and we walked in a circle around the Cathedral before we found the entrance. The inside of the Cathedral was utterly gorgeous. The oval at the top of the cathedral was filled with amazing stained glass. The pipe organ was also incredible. It reminded me of Italy when my mom and I would take pictures of all the pipe organs. Don’t worry Mom, I got you some pictures. There were also sculptures of the path Jesus took before he was crucified, as well as some amazing tapestries.

After leaving the Metropolitan Cathedral, we began to walk back over to the Liverpool Cathedral. At the Metropolitan Cathedral, we learned that the Metropolitan Cathedral was the Catholic Church and that the Liverpool Cathedral was the Anglican Street. They are both located on Hope Street, as they hope that one day the two churches would reconciliation and work together. On our walk to the Liverpool Cathedral, we discovered the sculpture that was built to bring these two churches together. On one side, there is the sculpture that has the Anglican priest and a design of the Liverpool Cathedral on it. On the backside of this sculpture, there are quotes and scriptures about working together. On the other side, there is a sculpture that has the Catholic priest and a design of the Metropolitan Cathedral on it. On the back, there were more quotes and scriptures. In front of these two scriptures, there was a circle. The circle says, “We meet in hope”, and
”better together”. We then continued our walk to the Liverpool Cathedral.

When we got to the Liverpool Cathedral, we were very excited to go inside. The minute I stepped inside, I was in awe. It was one of the most amazing cathedrals I have ever seen. I think the tour guide who gave us our information pamphlets could see that we were all in awe. His name was Craig and he had an Irish accent. This is random, but I do love Irish accents. Anyways, the Liverpool Cathedral was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. They were actually rehearsing for a mass, and I even got to hear the choir. They were really good. I actually wanted to stay for the service, though I could tell that everyone else probably didn’t want to do that. I also wanted to climb all the way to the top of the cathedral, but no one else wanted to do that because it cost money. I was rather disappointed that I didn’t get to climb to the top of the cathedral, but I am here for two months. Maybe I will get a chance to climb to the top of the Liverpool Cathedral. The Liverpool Cathedral had an amazing pipe organ and stained glass windows as well. I also really liked how the roof was designed.

Heather wanted to eat in Chinatown, so after leaving the Liverpool Cathedral, we walked over to Chinatown. Most of the restaurants were closed, which was surprising, though we did find this restaurant called the New Empire that was open. Heather liked the restaurant because it had lots of pink in it. The food was amazing though. Kyle and I each got sweet and sour chicken. It was incredible, and it was completely worth the 6 pounds and 50 pence.

After dinner, we walked back over to St. Luke’s. We were excited that the gate was actually open and that we could go inside. It was interesting to actually see only the outside of the building knowing that there was no inside. Katie decided that she wanted a picture of the inside, so she hoisted Erin up to where the window used to be so that she could get a picture.

Erin still needed a watch, so we walked over to St. John’s to see if she could get one before we went home for the night, as everything was closing. We must have gone in at least 9 or 10 stores looking for a watch. We didn’t find one, though I did get some bottles of water. Drinkable water is a commodity around here. I also bought a children’s book. I have decided that I am going to buy a children’s book from every place I travel for my collection. The one I bought today was “My Mummy is magic”. It will come in handy when I teach a family unit.

I had an amazing time today, and I have been having an amazing time in Liverpool. There is just one thing that I do not really like. As many of you know, I do not drink alcohol. All there is to do at night in Liverpool is go to the bars or the clubs, and that is not somewhere I normally end up. However, I love Liverpool and I am having an amazing time here. I can’t wait to explore Liverpool even more. ☺


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