Canada Day in Trafalgar Square

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July 1st 2010
Published: July 1st 2010
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So here I am again, setting off on an adventure and reminding myself that I need to be patient with airports. I don't mind planes but airports are one of my least favorite things, especially the over-excitedness of some security people. Really, what exactly do you think I am hiding in this gossamer thin scarf? For those of you who don't find the 50ml's of liquid in a ziplock bag thing a bit silly (because Ziplock bags have special anti-explosive properties?) then you might not want to read the third paragraph.

Now, to be fair, I had some great service at the Vancouver Airport, especially since I arrived late.....very late. So late that the check in had already closed and I had to convince a BA worker to still let me on. I took a cue from Carlie and I's trip to India and told them that it's ok if they have to bump me to the next flight, I didn't want trouble for them, it was totally my fault I was late...etc, plus I smiled and I might have dropped a hint about just having finished teaching the day before. My plan worked, and not only did I get on the right flight, but when I boarded I found out I was in Business Class! Darn rights! I swear, I am going to right a book called BN's Guide to Traveling on Flexible Time.

I arrived in London 8 hours later, movied out and full of a lovely chick pea curry, yet decidedly sans-sleep, only to discover that Heathrow Airport seems to have gotten a really good deal on those posts and belts that make curly cue line-up's. And so the party began.

First we had to go through some check point where they looked at our boarding pass and some lucky people got to go through the "invite only fast line" whereas the rest of us had to line up in those curly cue lines (just because it's so fun I suspect) and wait to show our boarding pass yet again. Keep in mind these are people who just got off of an international flight. Then we were herded up some escalators and into more curly cue line-up's, this time to go through security. Wait, you say, didn't you go through security in Vancouver? Why yes oh observant one, yes we did, but apparently, despite the fact that this was the group who were transferring onto other flights OUT of Heathrow, we had to guzzle our waters and juices (with no bathrooms in sight) because now we were going through it again. Even better was that now three plane loads of passengers were going through all at the same time. Imagine my glee. The people running this operation were being very stingy with the "why" and apparently had been dealing with many confused customers so were becoming very grumpy. And then, just for a little more excitement, the powers that be seemed to have decided that it should feel like you were on a beach in Bermuda except without the beach part. But don't worry everyone, I was very good and kept my grumbling and eye rolling to an under the breath minimum. It must have been something to do with the extra wide seat in Business class.

So finally through the security and after locating a loo, I decided that I would head into town after talking to the customer service BA desk. They even escorted me out through security (does this seem redundant to anyone else?) and off I went on the Tube, remembering very quickly how sweltering the Tube heat is. I wondered around town for a bit and found the Trafalgar Square Canada Day celebrations in full swing. Complete with booths, food stalls with the worst looking poutine I think I have ever seen, stick on tattoos, flags, mission hill wine, live music and la piece de resistance........a floor hockey game right there in the middle of the square! Awesome possum! I hung around for a bit, long enough to soak up some red and white but not so long that I will miss my flight. Speaking of which, I should get back on the Tube.

I hope everyone is having a most wonderful Canada Day and I'm sending maple leaf kisses home.

Next stop......South Africa!!!



2nd July 2010

You rock my dear!

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