It's nearly time...

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January 4th 2011
Published: January 4th 2011
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So...only 4 days to go before I leave these shores for my trip! I still can't quite believe it's going to happen - it feels like it has come round really quickly. Preparation is going smoothly - there are major floods in Queensland smack bang in the middle of one of my trips - including an overnight stay in Rockhampton - one of the worst hit towns. I have a friend who lives there and I hope she is OK. I have somehow managed to hurt my back which is causing me some considerable pain - it's OK if I move about but sitting down is painful and uncomfortable - good job I haven't got a long flight to do soon (must rememeber to put bumper size pack of Nurofen Plus on my shopping list...). But at least the packing is going well - I found out that the luggage allowance on a couple of my trips is smaller than I would normally take on a week long holiday - currently working out how to make 9 weeks fit into 1 week!!!! I'm sure it will all be fine - only thing that will stop me from taking off on Saturday is an inch of snow falling in the Heathrow area closing the airport and all surrounding areas - but that's unlikely to happen - isn't it?????? Anyway - the real purpose of this first blog is to try it out and so far so good. If you are friends or family reading this then hopefully the link worked. If you don't know me - thanks for reading and I'll try to make future entries a bit more entertaining. Bye for now......


4th January 2011

happy new year! ... so excited for you! can't believe it's come round so fast. looking forward to the next blog entry xx
4th January 2011

it works.....
Yay, loving the technology, but was hoping I could post your first pic - of Percy and your friends in the pub. Hope back and packing all work out - they do have launderettes down-under :O) Look forward to hearing/seeing your adventure.
4th January 2011

Have fun!
Can't believe you have hurt your back! Perfect timing! Still it will enforce the light packing you require.... Hope the trip out isn't too tedious, a glass or three of vino may help. The floods look terrifying - so distructive, I can't imagine how long it will take to get back to normal, some of the people being interviewed were totally distraught, it must be devastating to lose your home. Looking forward to catching up on your ventures - lets hope the natives will still speak to you after we thrashed them at cricket - yippee!!!
4th January 2011

Nearly there . . .
How exciting and I'm not at all jealous of your imminent departure considering it's the first day back at work today! I think the luggage thing is funny! Have to take out all the primping equipment - nah - take out clothes instead!!! Hope your back stands up to to fold up nature of the travel!! Happy flighting as Moses says :) (obscure reference alert!)
4th January 2011

G'day mate
Hi Emma - Celebrex is a wonderful drug for back pain. It requires a prescription, but it works!! I look forward to hearing about your trip. I miss you at work!! Diane
5th January 2011

Surprised/Good Luck
Em, Fab to hear from you. So your finally off, I can remember when I first met you (many moons ago) when you were still with BTC in Cambridge talking about going off to Australia so you have finally got round to it. I will keep tags of your journey especially New Zealand as we are planning to go there in November. I look forward to tracking your travels as I don't know what you have planned, so surprises along the way. Take care, I am really envious. Love Joan. x
5th January 2011

Keep your head above water...
The technology works! Hope your back recovers soon - you weren't attached to a long piece of elastic when you hurt it were you? Take care in Rockhampton, there are warnings of snakes and crocodiles as well as the floods. Just time to see England beat Australia in the test match before you leave. Have a safe flight .... Look forward to hearing from you on the other side of the world

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