Ready, Steady, Go...

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October 29th 2005
Published: October 29th 2005
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My little travel bud!
Hello it's me!

Just thought I'd better have another go at this before I leave otherwise I'll get stuck while I'm away and you wont be able to see my piccys and we can't have that now can we?! It's also the perfect opportunity for me to introduce you to my travel companion. His name is Elliot and he's a little grey elephant who will be keeping me company and no doubt appearing in a few photos too!

So...4 days now until I'm off on my travels again and I'd love to tell you all that I'm packed, sorted and ready to go but unfortunately as you can see from the Picture, what should be the contents of my backpack is in fact spread all over my bed and most of my room! If any of you want to pop over and pack for me then by all means be my guest!

For those of you who I haven't bored to tears with the rough route it is as follows...first stop Bangkok down the coast through Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore over to Ozzy land for a few months then New Zealand and now it's looking like a quick stop

If only I had a packing fairy!
in Thailand or Malaysia on the way home (depending on the Bali advice!)

This mini adventure should take me around 6 months which means I'm due back in Blighty on the May bank holiday, but of course that's not set in stone...

Anyway, things to do and people to say ta ta to, hopefully the next time you check this site I'll have slightly more exciting info for you!

Take care,

Laura x


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