Long queues, grey skies and warm pints...yep it's London, but we love it!

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November 5th 2009
Published: November 5th 2009
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The trip started well after an upgrade to business from Melbourne to Singapore, unfortunately the same cannot be said for Singapore to London... economy on an A380 with Pommy flight attendants isn't as good as it sounds. But not to worry, the flight isn't why we decided to travel for the next 10 weeks. We arrived in London safe and sound and got straight in the spirit while meeting up with Sam and Em (from here on known as 'Tang & Em').

We undertook the mandatory tourist trek. Off to Harrods first, were the only beneficiary of our fiscal outlay was Tarmac (Rach's cat) who is now the proud owner of some fancy catnip stuffed balls. Lucky cat, doing better than me. Next was off to Buck Palace and few nice photo's in front our beloved Queens residence. The photos may seem grey and depressing but it was very nice all the same. No trip to London isn't complete without a trip to the Weistminster region. As always it was full of tourists but still good for a snap. As an Aussie it is hard to fathom the age of some of the things that exist in London and these are some of the oldest in modern history especially Nelson on his pole!!

After an hour and a half in the London underground (apparently one of the best in the world??) to go what should have been 30 mins we arrived at Tanga and Em's place. A special thanks to Em for making us dinner and we were ready for the Richmond Hockey Club Haloween party night....the photo's speak for them selves here.

The next day can be summarised by half a day in bed and afternoon tea & scones, enough said.

The gratest surprise of London has been our trip out to the Greenich observatory (and it was free!). Highly recomend this for anyone in London who has yet to go. You even get to staddle the world Meridian like Rach and I.

Anyway, will finish this up now. I am writing this from Inverness before heading down to St
Andrews (NAADS Lads, there will be a photo posted). Hopefully this hasn't been to long and borring. Will write of scotland in the next week or so.

Cheers Duncs & Rach.

P.S: Appologies for any bad spelling, I am blamming it on the 3/4 key board.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


6th November 2009

Glad to see you have arrived safely
We hear that it has been hosing down in Scotland so hope you have a snorkel with you. Love Mum
12th November 2009

Yay for me finally figuring out how to find the 'blog' u told me about but forgot to tell me how to access!!! grrr.... Still waiting on visa and starting to freak out a little but trying to not get too stressed untill friday! They may send it Thursday or Friday! I feel like I am putting off organsing stuff till I get my visa so it will be a mad rush next week. Oh my god it is only 1.3 weeks ahhhhh. So scared! I will try let know how everything goes XXOXO Lauren

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