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August 24th 2005
Published: September 7th 2005
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Well, I had been thinking for a while now that I might like to do something with my hair that a) looked cool and b) required little or no maintenance. So using a contact of Jules, off I ventured into the heart of Jamica in London - Peckam Rye to meet up with some hairdresser, the only description being that she was "black and fat" her words not mine!!! We met at the corner of her street and I think she was a little surprised that I was a whitey wanting my hair done black!!! So 6 hours later, much pain and a few tears, I walked out of her place with what felt like a wicker basket secured on my head!!! Taking Jules advice we all headed down to the local for a few vino's to dull the pain of a very tight head!! One thing is for sure, having braids guarantees you alot of attention, mostly from the black fellas!! Anyway, glad I did it, they will last up to about 6 weeks, at which point I have been told it will take a whole day plus the help of a couple of friends to take the out!!! Then I will probably decide to do it all over again, coz I kinda like it....

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Hiya beautiful Mum! To achieve this lovely hairstyle took 6hrs of Liani undoing over 100 individual braids! And at the end we were greeted with 1hr of unmatting my locks!! Needless to say I am happy to just be me for a while... x

7th September 2005

ya big spunk!
Halloo cuz! Look at u, u crazy kid! You all look great, its so nice to see your faces. I'm smiling at you all now! Keep havin fun and will b in touch. Love to u all (Love the braids!)XXXXX
22nd April 2006

I had better braids :P :)

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