Mind the Gap (Part 2)

Published: July 2nd 2008
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So we left the museum. We saw pretty awesome things like the Rosetta Stone, Lamassu's, an Easter Island statue, Cycladic plank idols, a Caryatid from the Erychtheon, many statues, sculptures, figures, and such. It was pretty exciting. Then we were off to Harrod's the amazing ridiculous department store that sells everything. seriously. parker bought an apple. sam and eleni bought chocolate. adi found saddles. they had an arcade, but it was just full of teddy bears. weird. two employees asked Parker about his kimono. one african guy said that it reminded him of african dress. one japanese woman asked where Parker lived in japan. security guards kept telling us to hold our backpacks in our hands. Parker finally asked why, and they said that it helps with pick-pocketers, and prevents accidental knocking over of things. by the way- the english are into surveilance. cameras everywhere. Harrod's was ridiculously expensive... the cheapest shirts were like 50 pounds (around 100 dollars), and jackets and such went up to 1000 pounds (do the math. holy crap). After being a little disillusioned by this so called deparment store, we headed home.

then we had an amazing glorious dinner. We ate at the Troubador, a small cafe/restaurant that Parker's dad had recommended. This was where Parker's mom and dad hung out when they spent a semester in London. It was a really fun place... great atmosphere, great (spastic) waiter, great food, great (as in expensive) prices (but that's London). It was happy hour. Neat. We sat, chatted, ate, talked, and passed the time... before we knew it, we were pretty tired, so we decided to head on home. After some lazing around, we one by one went off to sleep.

Quote of the day:
Guard at Harrod's, after stopping us: "Sorry. We don't allow Americans in here. Unless you're from Tennessee."


2nd July 2008

The real Lamassu isn't nearly as impressive as my Lamassu...
5th July 2008

hahahahahhahahahhahaha <3

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