Ahh, London!!

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July 6th 2007
Published: July 6th 2007
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So today was our last class with Dr. Madsen, which just seems terribly sad to all of us! I was saying to my classmates that we should retake his class every summer in London, since he says that people take it multiple times anyway! I think we have all learned so much in such a short time about ourselves and that is a beautiful thing! I received a great birthday card from Gretchen today, and opened, my first to open! It was fun because we have such a nice history together.
I also received a great compliment from the guys at "Eve's." Let me tell you a bit about Eve's. The London Center people told us they have good coffee, so we've been going there since the start of school, but they also have great breakfasts and lunches, and sweets. I get my cofee "white" there, which means with milk, although today I had it strong and white, which means just a bit of milk. The little shop has been around since the 40s when it was owned by two sisters, and I think they said two owners since. It seems family run, but I haven't asked yet... I know I will since that is my nature!
Emily and I had a great English breakfast last week there. For me that meant an egg overeasy/sunny side up; two pieces of toast, a piece of sausage, some bacon (more like Canadian style), and baked beans! Funny, huh? But DELICIOUS! Loved every bite. Then I had my amazing goat cheese, spinach, carrot and sundried tomato sandwich there, and yesterday Brian and I split a steak pie with chips and baked beans! Today, I had coffee and this pear/chocolate tart yummy thing... and one of the men there told me I was Beautiful. Since I am about to turn 30, I was highly complimented. How lovely!
Fast forward to after class, and we were talking to "Joe," one of the Acorn employees who has been very friendly. He said that on a day like today, he could think of nothing better than to head to Covent Garden and eat at one of the outdoor cafes. So that's exactly what we all did: Barbara, Emily, Jason, John, Brian, and I. We relaxed and watched some fun street performers.
One of the things Emily and I have noticed is that all dogs seem more well-behaved here. We wonder if the reserved behavior of the Brits spreads to the dogs (and pigeons for that matter), or if the lack of open spaces besides parks makes the dogs behave better. At any rate, there was a cute dog at lunch which made us have this discussion in the first place!
Emily and I stayed around and shopped a bit, lots of fun things, but not necessarily worth the price... we'll see, at the end of our stay... Did find a pair of jeans for pretty cheap so I have a second one in this cool weather here!
Came home to finish up some work... had a great surprise from Barbara, some cake for my birthday (will eat it for breakfast tomorrow).
Then Emily, Brian and I headed out to the pub. We dragged along Sherry and Barbara and met Blair there! How great, Barbara came and hung out, and so did Sherry! It has been a bit warmer (not that much, and don't want to jinx it). It also didn't rain today! It's just nice to go to these places and relax, have a drink, recap our days, be with the locals, etc.
I think I have wound myself down enough to head to bed. It will be a fun and relaxing weekend. Marriott County Hall here we come! (courtesy of Joe, my amazing husband) Good night! Congratulations to my cousins getting married: Shannon Costello in Illinois, and Mark McDonald in Hawaii!


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