Ram Sale

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September 22nd 2008
Published: September 22nd 2008
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So the Rye Ram Sale was thismorning, at the farm just over from us. As it turned out, people weren't bidding very high and ours went for quite a bit less than they were worth (or so I'm told).

Part of it--as with most livestock events/sales--is the showing of the animals. I was given a white coat, a 250 lb, 18 month old ram and 1 piece of string with which to hold it. Considering I'd never done this before (I've lead a calf around, but this was harder), I think I did pretty well. ...the fact that my ram got away from me and tried to head home was no real surprise to me, but I'm sure I'll hear about it forever. My grandad says it happens to everyone, but I was really hoping I'd be the exception.

(Un)fortunately, Frances couldn't get it on camera, as I'm sure she was laughing too hard.

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Sarah, 2008-3 082Sarah, 2008-3 082
Sarah, 2008-3 082

"I'm not sure about this..."
Sarah, 2008-3 083Sarah, 2008-3 083
Sarah, 2008-3 083

"Why is yours better behaved than mine?!?!"
Sarah, 2008-3 085Sarah, 2008-3 085
Sarah, 2008-3 085

I love the look on the woman's face next to me...we both had very jumpy and rammy...rams....
Sarah, 2008-3 086Sarah, 2008-3 086
Sarah, 2008-3 086

This is literally about 1 minute before my sheep bolted, taking me with it and then was totally free towards that shed in the background.

28th September 2008

Ram sale
I remember showing a heifer for 4-H that was in heat at the Stratford fair. We tried drugging her, but when we entered the ring, I basically just a passenger along for the ride as she made out like Sea Biscuit at the Kentucky Derby. Needless to say, I placed last in my class for 'showmanship'. Keep having fun.

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