Nearly on our way!!

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January 30th 2006
Published: January 30th 2006
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Rich and ZoeRich and ZoeRich and Zoe

Just before we're about to set off!
Hello everyone!

Welcome to the excitement that will be Rich & Zoe's travel blog!

We are only hours away from our fun night in Heathrow airport before our flight at 8am tomorrow morning! Feeling a little nervous, but mostly excited. Rich is tired! No surprise there then!! hehehe!

We land in Lima, Peru, at 6.45 tomorrow night, after a 14 hour flight (oh dear!), so will be in touch as soon as we can!

If any of you have any problems accessing this blog, do let us know.

Rich aka Pez:

If you want to have a browse on the blog site, go to and search for our user name (Rich and Zoe) or search by our names.

Keep in touch,

Rich & Zoe


30th January 2006

see you in OZ
Looking forward to seeing you Down Under in May. what a shame you cant be here in summer! love Libby
31st January 2006

What a handsome couple! Bet you're not wearing so many clothes now although we've no idea of the current temp in Peru. Hope you're having a beer in Cafe Llama! Lol Dad + Sue xx Hope you got my t-shirt email (hehe)
3rd February 2006

Aw, its come around finally, who would have thought I'd get that emotional seeing as every year since Ive known you you've been trying to go away. Or maybe it was just lot telling you to go away.... So I should have been prepared really. I'll miss us guys you, Lizzy, Laura and me hanging out but it'll come again soon. Look after yourselves xxxxx love you lots xxxxx
3rd February 2006

Very cold here - how I envy you!
Zoe: Work is just soooooo horrid without you! Hope you have recovered from the long journey and are having a wonderful experience. What a great idea travelblog is. Keep smiling!
9th February 2006

Armchair travelling!
Thursday 9 Feb - it's -2 degrees tonight - even down here on the south coast - I bet you wish you were here to enjoy it!!! Keep the blogs coming - this is almost as good as being there with you - talk about vicarious thrills! And you (Zoe) are NOT struggling with your Spanish!!!???!!! Keep on having fun!! Love 'n hugs - Hilary xxxxx

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