Wii Nights and Morwellham Quay

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August 7th 2008
Published: August 7th 2008
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Wii ExpertWii ExpertWii Expert

Working off a big pub dinner
Hi All

Sorry I haven't been on here for a while, had a few emails from you lot in Perth telling me to get on here and update as it was giving you all a good read...hehe...cheers!!

Well I came down to stay with my sister and brother-in-law on Monday to their house in Saltash (South West of England), this was to be my week to relax. Just as well it was becuase the weather here has been shocking - more like Winter than Summer!!! This is not the weather that I had orderd!

So with that in mind we haven't really done much,

Slept in and then went to get some food and my sister Jacq went to get some bits for the house, then we went to my other sister Michelle's new house to have a nose and a cuppa tea..yes more tea! We stayed there most of the afternoon and then came home, had some dinner and went to watch Batman - Dark Night at the movies, I really enjoyed it.

Me and Jacq went into Plymouth to go shopping....and boy did I shop!! I bought 3 new pairs of shoes,

Brother-in-law Phil on the Wii while I slump in the background
yes thats 3....not sure how I'm gonna get all this stuff back to Perth but I will find a way. We spent up, or should I say I spent up and then we had lunch and headed home for a delivery of furniture that Jacq was expecting and my sister Michelle and nephew Conner came round for guess what......Tea!!

That night we decided to eat out at the Pub, Jacq kept calling it the 'Playboy' so I was slightly worried as to where they were talking me to eat 😱. Turns out its a local pub named the 'Ploughboy'...tut tut.... was very nice food though. After that we came home and had night of playing stupid games and getting very competative on the Wii, I have sore bum muscles today from chucking myself around, I get very carried away with the games, if anyone saw us through the window they would have thought we had gone mad!!! Probably would have been a good call.

Today the weather had at least cleared up enough to go out for the day.

We decided to go to a place called Morwellham Quay which has a great historical past, I
Morwellham QuayMorwellham QuayMorwellham Quay

Blacksmiths Cottage and wheel
wont bore you with it all as I could go on for ever so if you get a chance type it in Google and read about. Basically its an old Village that was once a busy bustling Coal Mine and Inland Port, they have restored the village back to its original state and all the staff that work there walk round in period dress, its very pretty.

We decided to go on the train into the Coal Mine and learn more about what went on there and the lives and work of the miners, was very interesting and very chilly in the mine. After that we had a wonder round all the little museum's they have set up and then went to school to experience what it would have been like, she had a cane which was worrying and inspected our hands before we entered, I was slightly concerned as I'd just eaten a very messy sandwich and was still licking my fingers clean....I know I'm very classy. We had to write down some of the commandments on a slate board and do some times tables.....

Now we're back home and I think going to the gym tonight
Morwellham QuayMorwellham QuayMorwellham Quay

Village Inn (every good village needs a pub) and sweet shop
with my brother-in-law so this will be the only exercise I have had in a while, opps!! Never Mind!

We're suppose to be going out tomorrow with my sister Michelle and nephew Connor so depending on where I go I may update tomorrow night, otherwise I will be driving back to my parent on Sat so will update at some point soon.

Oh also not sure if you all received the last update with pics of our night out as something happened on here when I saved it so you can always go to past entries after reading this one if you want a laugh.

Take care xox

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Morwellham QuayMorwellham Quay
Morwellham Quay

Yum yum, traditional cream teas - here come the kilo's
Morwellham QuayMorwellham Quay
Morwellham Quay

Staff in traditional dress going about their business
Morwellham QuayMorwellham Quay
Morwellham Quay

Water Wheel used for power

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