Prologue - How it all began

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October 13th 2009
Published: June 26th 2017
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Geo: 53.35, -2.7333

340 get-ups to go...

...the year was 2007. Roisin and Chris had always dreamt of doing something special for their 'big 5-0'. It was just lurking around the corner and the Travel show at the G-Mex was upon us. The obvious 'ultimate' was an around the world trip. It was one of Chris's ambitions to circumnavigate the globe. In years gone by he has never seemed to get further than Poland!! You may well laugh but it wasn't called ‘the Iron Curtain' for nothing!!! Prior to 2002, Roisin had managed a trip the Pwllelli Butlins and a couple of trips to Ireland to visit the relatives. Her first major trip abroad saw her witness Schumacher's umpteenth F1 win at Spa Francochamps in Belgium!

In recent years Roisin and Chris have ventured a little further a field to places such as Chicago, Antigua and Barbados thanks to the friends and family of BMI!!

If Roisin and Chris planned on fulfilling their dream, they needed inspiration so it was off to the Travel Show without delay.

They received what seemed like a forest of brochures on world places this and exotic destinations that! They sat down; it was pissing with rain. Holiday brochures always seem to give off a warmer glow when the weather outside is pants! The ground rules were this: They agreed a 7 stop-over around the world ticket within the 6 weeks they had budgeted for. So, starting in the USA, their first flight would be to San Francisco. 5 days should suffice. Next down the Pacific to New Zealand.

Niue!!! They had missed out Nuie. This island held a very special place in their hearts ever since 2002 Commonwealth Games and Nuie's team of 4. Their shot putt representative doubled up as their 100m sprint champion!! He reminded Chris of those school sports days where the fat kid was always encouraged to take part! There was a lot of huffing and puffing and when he finally crossed the finish line, he still managed to raise a smile. Chris felt a lump come to his throat and with a tear in his eye felt himself rise to his feet with the rest of the crowd and gave this competitor from an Island in the South Pacific that no-one had ever heard of, a standing ovation. This athlete - this 19 stone goliath represented all that was great in the sport. Except the running bit…he WAS crap at that!!!

So Nuie? Unfortunately, there was only 1 plane in and out of the island (from Auckland) per week. Hmm, this put a damper on things. Chris and Roisin didn't relish being stuck in the middle of a Mary Shelley novel!!

This trip would have also covered destinations to Australia, SE Asia, India and Middle East. On reflection, it meant living out of a suitcase for 6 weeks and as Chris and Roisin wouldn't be able to settle in any one place long enough to relax and enjoy the surroundings and differing cultures, this idea was rapidly losing it's appeal.

As Roisin went away to work on some further calculations and destinations, Chris peered into the carrier bag that once held the key to their dream, or indeed anyone's dream holiday.

S'funny!' he mumbled. ‘I could have swore this bag was empty!'

As he stared down in to the plastic carrier, the rain suddenly stopped and the clouds parted. A ray of light beamed down, striking the crumpled carrier bag and illuminating an object that came from within. Deep down in the depths of this bag it was if a new life was born. An angelic chorus rang out in the distance. He cupped the object and with both hands, rolled it up, lifted it out of its pseudo womb and held it above his head.

That bastard fly!' he swore as he aimlessly swatted at thin air. ‘I knew these travel brochures would come in useful for something!! And you can turn that chuffin' angelic chorus off as well', Chris scorned at Roisin.

Quickly changing his mood. ‘Hey Roisin,' he called. ‘Have you seen this?' he asked unrolling the brochure. For there laying in his hands were the words, ‘World Wide Cruises'. In a eureka moment he realised that he had just busted the myth that you need to be sitting in the bath to have a eureka moment!!


So the scene was set… from here on things get serious!!!!! (yeh right??!!)


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