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February 2nd 2005
Published: May 9th 2005
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The exiting things parade ground to a halt last week because I came down with a very violent case of the stomach flu last Tuesday night. I remained very, very, very sick until roughly Sunday. It was so bad I even went to a doctor because I was afraid I needed an IV because I was losing so much fluid. Now I'm only a little bit sick, and functioning again.

It's been a killer week of classes because art has started and we have four class periods to make up. Lots of classes every day, some of them /way/ longer than my attention span.

Monday night it was the 21st birthday of one of the girls in the house, so we did a group pub crawl to carry on the american tradition of getting someone drunk. Since I don't drink, I only went to the first two and then left to go to the pub meet for the Cambridge Rock Society that I go to every monday night. I left that slightly early and stopped at the last pub on the crawl my housemates were on and made sure the drunk people got home.

Tuesday Tristan came down and took me on a tour of his old college. It was really interesting to get a more informal tour of student life at Cambridge University. It was also kind of weird for me to realize that he essentially did his studying in a tourist attraction.

We just finished our weekly cleaning of the house, and the four of us that are cooking are now preparing common meal. I'm about to head out to go around the town of Cambridge because Tristan lost a CD case yesterday and I'm attempting to retrace the places we went and find it. Then common meal tonight.

This weekend I think I will actually go back to London because there is /so/ much to see there. And I /really/ want to go to the aquarium! :p

Next week is my six day break. However, I have tickets to a play in London on the 10th, which is right in the middle. So that weekend I've got a trip to Salisbury, Bath, and Stonehenge planned. I'm really excited about that.

I'm also starting planning for my 10 day break. I'm thinking about country hopping to Italy and Spain. And possibly stopping in Paris at some point. Not sure yet. 😊

I'm off!


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