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March 4th 2005
Published: April 24th 2005
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Mom & Dad made it here in one piece, but its been one heck of a long day. I left here at 6:15 to catch the train to London, then the tube (which was having delays) to another station to get to Gatwick. I was a little late thanks to the tube delays, but so was their flight. An hour after they landed they finally got through customs, and then we had to do the fun ride back to Cambridge. However there were all kinds of train issued due to the snow, so the train we were on was terminated about 3 stops from cambridge and we had to get on a different one later; our hour train ride ended up being 2.5 hrs with all the delays. We finally got back, dropped off the luggage, wandered around town in the rain, ate at the Sir Isaac Newton, and headed back to the center. We're off to London for the next 2 days, then Germany for the following 3, and then one more day in Cambridge before they head out.


7th March 2005

Glad to hear
I am glad to hear that Janie and Bob made it to Cambridge. I am sure you guys are having a great time. Wish I could be there! I am really enjoying your travel journals. Take care and enjoy your visit! - Sherry

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