FAREWELL BBQ (Show me the way to Amarillo)!!!!

Published: May 16th 2005
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They'd hoped for luxury first class travel but when the cost exceeded the budget an alternative had to be found!
Firstly, thanks Martin for telling me about Travelblog, we're going to try it out with our first journal entry about the BBQ.

It does mean that Travelblog now records our trip as starting in LB - a lovely location but not as exotic as we would have liked it to be!

Anyway, thank you to everyone who came to our BBQ, an even bigger thank you to those who brought us cards and gifts and finally a HUGE thank you to those who helped in preparing food, gardens, lights etc etc. We had a really great time, hopefully you all did too, It was a shame about the weather (especially as the following day was really hot and sunny!). Talking of the following day, we did do the St Albans bike ride. We're really proud of Pauline and Dave who did 20 miles instead of the 10 they were intending to! The rest of the ride was very uneventful other than when we had to ask some paramedics for some ibuprofen to help Karen get over her hangover!!

Scarily, as this was pointed out to us, now we have had a farewell BBQ it does mean we have to leave. Nine more days and then we are off to Cape Town on the start of the world trip. We know three months is going to fly by but we fully intend to enjoy every minute and make the most of our time away.

So, look out for our updates, assuming we can get technology to work across the world and before you know it, we'll be back sharing our thousands of holiday photos with you all!

Thanks again for coming, will miss you all but will have lots of fun!


Karen & Mark


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