The hills are indeed alive...

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Zermatt
September 15th 2007
Published: October 5th 2007
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Typical hutTypical hutTypical hut

Typical hut
One day I'm working in an office with no windows in London, the next I'm working in Switzerland taking a group of guests around the best bits of Switzerland with beautiful scenery in every direction. Starting in Lucerne and followed by Davos, Zermatt and Grindelwald...the scenery just got better and better. I had forgotten how tiring repping actually is but also forgot how wonderful it is to be able to make the most of any free time you do get. Big mountains, blue skies, fresh air, cow bells, grassy meadows, mountain huts with yummy roseti, gushing rivers and impressive galciers...all on my doorstep. After waving my last guests off I had a few days in Wengen, my favourite place in the world, gazing at my mountains followed by a few days in Zermatt climbing as high as I could.

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Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Matterhorn Matterhorn

Matterhorn, Zermatt
Matterhorn Matterhorn

Matterhorn again...
Matterhorn Matterhorn

...and again

Last Matterhorn I promise!

To SchoenbielhuetteTo Schoenbielhuette
To Schoenbielhuette

On the way to Schoenbielhuette

6th October 2007

Where are the Wengen pics?
Hey you! Off on your great adventure. Have a wonderful time, plenty of adventures, meet wonderful people, see thrilling places, eat strange and yummy food, takes tons of pictures and last but not least come home safely. Keep in touch and until you get back next summer a big hug and kis. Bev p.s. where are the Wengen pictures :-)
6th October 2007

"So long, farewell....", and then my german fails me
Have an awesome time Catherine. We'll miss you loads but looking forwards to interrupting work to read your blog and see what adventures you are having. All our love xxxxxxx
8th October 2007

be lucky and be happy on your travels round the world. we miss you already but you know that. keep safe und melde dich!!!!
12th October 2007

Caterina, did you charm your BA friend to get that upgrade? Did you leave your hotel room in Sao Paolo?! Are you now already fluent in Spanish?! All these questions... This third of the Streatham Posse (ie me!) is missing our regular Sunday night bottles of wine. But I realise there wasn't much competition between travelling the world and staying in that lovely corner of souf London, St Reatham!! Gossip required regularly! xx

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