Kathy Conquers the FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken
July 17th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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Day 2 in Giessbach!!

Well, what an adventure we have had. Slept through the night with the windows open to here the sound of the waterfall. Woke up at 10 to a little rain. Packed our bags for our journey down one floor to the Giessbach suite. We then took a walk down the mountain and caught the steamer for Interlaken where our laundry awaited. Had lunch and a couple of biere on the trip. Upon our arrival, the rain was even harder so we made our train reservations to the South of France and caught a train to Brienz, the first place we could catch the steamer. Once back at the hotel, we put on our LSU ponchos and headed out for a hike up the waterfall, where Kathy was to walk onto the second bridge. Well, she came out with flying colors, walking over the bridge like a woman possessed. Took a pic with Robert in our ponchos. Unfortunately, Kathy was unable to tackle the next challenge, walking on the next bridge behind the waterfall. View too steep and bridge an iron gate. Robert walked her down safely to the bridge and then walked all of the way to the top of the waterfall - pictures are incredible. Kathy stayed at hotel with cosmos and waited for his arrival. All in all, everyone conquered some fear today!!!!!

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Photos: 35, Displayed: 22


17th July 2008

The Falls + Cosmo's
At least you did it in the right order because it would have been bad to do the cosmo's, get all brave, then hall your ass on that thing they call a bridge!
17th July 2008

Interlaken are my favorite pics so far. Tell Kathy, Prem Burns has entered the race for DA. Hope ya'll are having a good time!
24th July 2008

The best!
I agree with Toby. These are the very best photos. Cute top, Kathy! A little travel time spent shopping??????
26th July 2008

these pictures are beautiful!

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