To the land of chocolate...

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Europe » Switzerland » North-West » Berne
July 4th 2006
Published: December 15th 2006
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Nice viewNice viewNice view

View from the top of the tallest bridge looking over the Aare River
This morning Jess and I woke up, looked at a map and decided to head to Bern, Switzerland. A little spontaneous yes, but super exciting! The hostel we stayed at was amazing!! Beautiful location, brand new building, nice problem was a lack of a door on the shower room, which meant preteen boys got to see me awkwardly try to dress myself under my towel, but besides that...
Bern has been my favorite place ever!! Bicyclist heaven, this place is a delight to walk and ride in, except for the ridiculously steep hills. The absolute best part of the city is the River Aare. A fast current but fun to float down...I didn't have a swimsuit but my bra and underwear worked just fine. Jess and I spent a night hanging out on the street watching the Italian team beat the German team in futbol, and then watched them celebrate in the town square. One man, in his excitement was driving around a tractor with a large Italian flag on the back. We only spent a full day here, but spent most of the second day living out of the train station...which had a 2 Swissfranc charge for the wash
Jess and I in BernJess and I in BernJess and I in Bern

I bought this shirt in Bern, and I wear it obsessively now.
room...I couldn't allow myself to pay for it, and held it very painfully until we boarded our train.

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Naked ManNaked Man
Naked Man

This statue was next to the river near our hostel, and everytime I passed by I yelled, "Naked Man."

The central park in Bern had bears and they were the coolest...though not too active.

28th March 2007

"Oh yes, we were talking about chocolate?" "Zhat was ten meenutes ago!"

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