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Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County
September 16th 2012
Published: September 16th 2012
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Saturday was our one-week day, so it was time to do laundry. Unfortunately, we have some very strong perfume smelling underwear, thanks to Allan! Wilma showed me how to work the washing machine in our cottage, and I dutifully followed her instructions, then proceeded to read my book while Allan watched TV. He decided that the machine was taking too long, even though I had told him the new machines take longer. He finally got too impatient and started to rotate the dial. Then it stopped. I finally went to it, and soon dirty, soapy water emptied out. At that point there was nothing to do but let it spin, skipping the rinse cycle. This morning we took the clothes to their house to dry while having breakfast with them. Allan told them of the malfunctioning machine only to be told that the total cycles take two hours. It was too late. Right now I am smelling my pajamas.

Norwegian trains are relaxed about their schedule. Two of the three trains have been significantly behind schedule, including the one back to Oslo from Ed this evening. It arrived 45 minutes late.

Peter has been involved in real estate and building a house, so we visited it today. It has been a bad investment and a lot of work.


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