Christmas, and New years!!

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January 10th 2009
Published: January 10th 2009
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Christmas GoatChristmas GoatChristmas Goat

The Christmas goat. Sweden used to have a goat deliver gifts instead of Santa! Now they have Santa but they still decorate with the goat.
Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy Happy New Year!!
This is long over due, I know, but I have fortunately kept very very busy this holiday season😊
I mostly have tons of pictures and videos to show. My camera is so abused everyday and it is seriously being held together with a rubber band right now! haha
Christmas was of course filled with so much food. I thought I would burst at the seams everyday!! We had one "Christmas dinner" after the next filled with raw salmon-served cold, potatoes, salami, breaded ham, reindeer, lamb, homemade pickled herring, and 20 other dishes of herring all prepared in different ways. On my first round I tried everything, but by the second round I was happy to stick to salami, ham and maybe, maybe a slice of cold raw salmon. We decorated our tree on the 23rd, about 10 o'clock at night, that was a little new for me. Then on Christmas Eve I was ordered not to eat anything for breakfast because of the massive dinner we were to have that night. My host dads son, who was also an exchange student to Wisconsin in the 80s, his wife and their two daughters came
me and Kirstenme and Kirstenme and Kirsten

We took a trip to Liseberg which is the amusement park of Sweden located in Gothenburg. They had a light show up right before Christmas.
all the way from Gothenburg to celebrate with us. My host sister came over with her boyfriend too. After our early, but massive dinner we watched Donald Duck. Its a tradition here to watch it every Christmas Eve at 3pm. As soon as it was finished Santa, also known as my host dad, came in to deliver Christmas gifts to the young girls. My host made me laugh because she kept forgetting to call him Santa in front of the girls!
We opened all our gifts on Christmas Eve, including everything from home. Thank you all so much, that was really unexpected!!😊 Especially mom and Fred for sending all those "keep-warm" things. They have really helped out a lot! Christmas day I went on a walk with my host dads son while my host dad went hunting and all the other girls visited the horse. It was a nice casual day😊
For New years, I went with Justin and his host parents to a town just south of Stockholm, called Sälen. It is a huge skiing town so of course we had to take a stab at skiing! Justin really fell in love with the sport even after taking a
Churros in Sweden??Churros in Sweden??Churros in Sweden??

Churros the spanish waffle haha
nose dive down the mountain, but I didn't find the thrill in it as much as other people do. I didn't like slipping on my feet, I'm too far from the ground to do that. If I were on my butt, I would have a different feel about it, but we weren't sledding. I really enjoyed the other things during the week. After giving skiing a couple days of trying and only becoming more and more sore and frustrated I found other nice things to do. I loved playing in the snow but I felt like the older sibling crushing the younger ones spirit when I told Justin that it wasn't real snow that we were skiing on. It was really really cold, like 5-8 degrees Fahrenheit, but we managed. We went to the after ski parties where we saw some great shows and met a ton of people. We had a lot of sushi, which has become my new favorite food! We had swordfish, black fish, salmon, calamari, oyster and a few other fish, I cant remember. We also had reindeer, beef and duck, (yes, as sushi)! On New Years Eve we had a dinner party where we dressed

I think we will go back in the summer to actually ride the rides.
up real nice in tuxedos, fancy dresses and everything. The whole evening while we ate we had wonderful entertainment. We were all singing and dancing to old songs. We counted down to midnight of course and then watched some fireworks before hitting the dance floor. It was a very nice evening!😊
Well I started school again last Thursday and its kind of nice to see my friends again and get back into normal life. I think thats it for me this week. Big hugs!! Rachel

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Churros tested and approved
Liseberg MascotLiseberg Mascot
Liseberg Mascot

me and the Liseberg mascot...a green bunny haha

Emma (Bos granddaughter) Lotta (my host sister) and me on Christmas Eve

Christmas dinner

Santa, me and the girls!
Justin and I on New years EveJustin and I on New years Eve
Justin and I on New years Eve

Hes like another brother!

Tomas, me, Justin, Annette on New years Eve

Some people our age we met at the show!
A trip to TibroA trip to Tibro
A trip to Tibro

Paula and I:)

10th January 2009

Miss them terribly!!! Glad you got a few for me too! :D

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