Swedish Thanksgiving!!

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November 20th 2008
Published: November 21st 2008
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The Election!!The Election!!The Election!!

Haha I know my kids kids will be having to learn about all this in school and I will be ready with my pictures as proof that I watched it even though I was in Sweden:)
Things are getting better. My knee feels so much better. I did not have a cracked knee cap just what my host mom suspected a hematoma, thank goodness. Luckily I was able to walk again by the time we had to start making everything for the Thanksgiving dinner, and I started riding my bike again on Tuesday, so things are looking up.😊 I about went nuts having to sit on the couch all day! I hurt my knee on a Wednesday and by Friday I was dying to just take a short walk outside of the house. So I walked to the mailbox and then back, it took forever but it was just what I needed to make myself get up and going again.
Well the whole thing with Thanksgiving was a blast. Making all the food and then the dinner turned out perfect. We made everything from scratch except for the chocolate chip cookies. We have made those homemade before and we decided it wasn't worth the work compared to the box in the American section of the store. We made even our pie crusts from scratch😊 I was really proud. We made Artichoke heart sourdough bread stuffing, Sweet
Justin during the electionJustin during the electionJustin during the election

We stayed up until 5:15 watching it all.
potatoes, mashed potatoes, of course turkey, steamed vegetables, corn and green beans. Then for dessert, Apple Pie, Peach Pie, Chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream. It took us two days to get everything done and perfect but it was all worth it when we had our families together. We had a full house with me, Justin, my host parents, Justin's host parents and his host sister. We got several compliments and we had a lot of fun making all of it too😊
We got some snow this week!! It was raining all morning on Wednesday and then it just stopped and it was snowing huge flakes. Of course they didn't call off school but my teachers didn't mind my excitement😊 The snow unfortunately didnt stick. By the time I got out of school and was on my way home it was raining again, but I am confident that we will get a good amount of snow this year. Maybe for Christmas!! Besides the little bit of snow the weather is pretty much just really cold and most days its raining with a strong wind with it. Luckily I have wonderful host parents and a nice host sister who is letting me barrow her winter jacket while she is in Australia.
Its getting darker much earlier now. Usually the son is completely down by 4 and the sun usually comes up about 8 or so. Its a very different experiences but I'm excited to see this new way of living...especially because of all the sleep I will be able to catch up on from the past few years of working hard. 😉
I am getting very impatient with myself in speaking Swedish. I can read it and write it very well, but speaking it takes a lot more concentration and effort for me. I'm working on it though😊
I'm still a little homesick, and seriously tired of Swedish, Sweden and Swinglish, but I chose it for one year so for 8 more months I shall continue this Swedish Swedish Swedishness! haha

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Justin as JokerJustin as Joker
Justin as Joker

Justin came over to get ready for the costume party so I could help with his make-up because I couldn't go.

Turkey time!!

mmm.. giblets!!

My beautiful Apple Pie:)

Justin and our Mr.Turkey

Me with Mr.Turkey


Our Peach Pie

The Sweet Potaters!

Justin carving the Turkey

L-R Johanna, Bosse(my host day), Annete

Tomas och Marianne(my host mom)

Me all bundled for the bike ride to school:)

21st November 2008

I was reading this entry at school (which includes 1-12 grades) and some ten year old came by when I was looking at your bird there. He said 'kana porn?!' (chicken porn) I just laughed and said 'of course!'
21st November 2008

too funny dude
your entry is freakin sweet! I miss all those little extras that TGD brings by so nice to see that you are enjoying it for me babe! ps- the song was a nice touch. :)

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