Great performances and attack of the moose

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Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg
September 26th 2009
Published: October 3rd 2009
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So, what was the reason behind going to some burial ground in the middle of who-knows-where Sweden? Well, as mentioned before, Katie makes documentaries and such. Under the naked man we were joined by some of her classmates who specialized in performance arts. The point was to film them doing some improve at this park (Katie, feel free to correct me on my likely non PC interpretation of what we were doing there 😊

Anyhow, it was a great idea. After the sunset, we headed up to Oxevik, Sweden to sleep the night, then head back down for the improve performance. Rising bright and early at 5 am so as to catch the sunset, we jumped in the van. I got to ride shotgun, given the responsibilities of looking for moose and, seemingly more likely speed traps. The speed traps (cameras on the sides of the road) were pretty easy to spot... usually a few yards away from the reflective sign announcing their presence. The moose on the other hand...

I first saw the beast out of the corner of my eye. Sweden has quite a population of sheep and cattle with horns, so my half conscious thought was that a cow had escaped and was running alongside the van. It wasn't until Bullwinkle ran out in front of us that we realized what happening. A nice slamming of the breaks (on of the performers had brought her dog, who promptly tumbled to the floor in a heap) and he continued on his way. Despite having three cameras in the front seat, no one could regain their logic (or feeling in their limbs) enough to use one.

With that, a few pictures of the performances in the park... and no moose.

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


4th October 2009

FAIL!!! I want pictures of moose!!!!

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