Last Day in Stockholm

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July 18th 2006
Published: July 18th 2006
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Today was entirely free. So, we did the laundry, since we are only half way through the trip. Laundrymats are rare in Sweden, but we easily found the one in Rick Steve's guide book. Then off to the needlework shop I had spotted one evening. And the waffle cones. Boy, those smelled really good while baking, and I'm sure that it attracted many others like it did us. The metro here is easy to use, just like most European cities, and we got our money's worth from the one day pass. One of our group had her wallet stolen while she was at the counter in a souvenir shop. Taken after she had pulled out her credit card for the clerk. Dinner this evening with the group for our final night together. One of the highlights of the tour because we all get to know each other so well. Much more than just rehearsing each Monday night. As I was waiting here to use the lobby computer, the stolen purse girl came down and said the police called saying they had her passport. She had already gotten a replacement passport from the embassy. I accompanied her to the police station, just a few blocks away. The wallet was completely intact except for the cash. Even the credit cards. That was a happy ending. As easy as it was to get a replacement passport, the Georgia DMV was the worry about getting a replacement driver's license!!

Well, we're off to Finland tomorrow. Now we on our own so we'll see how it works without a group to support us.


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