The Hostel/Family

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Europe » Spain
August 27th 2013
Published: August 27th 2013
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Sarah, Sam (Australian), me & G!
Our hostel was so awesome it deserved it's own blog entry.

We arrived in Barcelona at 9 at night and were a little nervous about our hostel because all of our other ones had gone so well so we thought we could have one hiccup. Man, were we wrong. It was the most amazing friendly, kind, fun, safe place! When we got there we were greeted by a man named G or Gonzalo. He was superrrr nice to the point where we questioned if he was that 'too nice that's kind of creepy' nice. He sat us down and joked around with us for about a half an hour then told us about the hostel. He called it a family, he said everyone eats dinner together as a family, they hang out together and they go out together at night too! It was opposite of the other places we stayed, but in such a good way. We immediately met some friends who we ended up hanging out with the rest of our trip and G would made us an amazing dinner that night (which he did every night). We became really good friends with G and most of the people staying at the hostel actually it was so much fun! G worked until 12:30 every night we were there and usually took us out after with about 15 other people from the hostel as well. I cannot even explain to you all how great this hostel was and the people! The goodbyes were so sad and I already miss them all!

If anyone knows someone who is looking for hostels tell them to look for HostelOne because they are all alike and the best!! 😊



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