Barcelona Day 2

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January 12th 2011
Published: January 12th 2011
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January 7, 2011: “La Sagrada Familia and First Impressions changed”

In the morning we met for breakfast in the hotel. The fruit was delicious! After breakfast we walked past The University of Barcelona, quite beautiful, to the Universidad stop at the Metro. We took the metro to Sagrada Familia. Walking out of the metro I was definitely not expecting to see the church upon immediately walking out. It’s breathtaking from the outside. Even with the construction cranes, one may think it takes away from the beauty but I think knowing the history makes you appreciate the crane once you just take a quiet moment for yourself to take it all in. Across the street is a pond so we took the students to the pond and Adam gave a history lesson about the history of the Church. Each group took a few moments to take in the beauty of the church and to take photos. We worked with the students focusing their thoughts on what angle they want to shoot the church at, what shots would look interesting as photos and how each group wants to capture the church on video. We spent almost two hours working outside the church. Then we joined the line that wrapped around the church to get inside.

So what did I expect to see on the inside? I thought it would remind me of Notre Dame in Paris of St. Peters in New York. I was expecting it to be dark and gothic with dark stained glass. I walked in and had a moment where my breath was taken away. It was so clean and open the columns were magnanimous and the light coming from outside illuminated the stained glass and the colors were reflecting off the walls. It’s one of those things that almost can’t be described, you have to see a picture, but to really take it in and feel it you have to be there. It was one of those things were you just had to take a quiet moment and allow yourself to reflect. We had bought tickets for the lift to go the top of the church and we had about an hour and a half in the church before our time just to explore. All took many photos. We didn’t really take much video footage because we wanted to remain quiet in respect of the church. I first walked through the church alone, taking pictures, sitting for a quiet moment, at one part you could look down and see the little church below where they actually hold mass. Tourists were not allowed down there, the only time that section is open is when mass is in session. Then we took the lift.

I love adrenaline rushes and heights don’t normally bother me, however Adam is deadly afraid of heights. We soon learned that Caitlyn and Sophia were as well. When I got to the top I saw Caitlyn holding on to a pole with Sophia next to her, Adam was doing his light footed crawl across the bridge and quickly returned to Caitlyn and Sophia. I was on the bridge with some of the other students taking photos, looking at views of the city. I was so glad it was a clear day and you could see for miles. As we went to descend we quickly learned that the only way down was to walk…. A lot of steps… and for those with the fear of heights first they had to cross the bridge at the top and then walk down.

As you begin the walk down the steps the walls are concrete blocks as are the steps with railings, very safe, we realized we had a long walk but all was well. There were peepholes where you could stop and see out over the city at different levels. Then you got to the point where it got tighter and the railing was smaller and we went from going clockwise to counter clockwise and there was no railing over the center, just on the wall. OOOOOOHHHHH! That’s when most of the people who weren’t afraid of heights had an oooohhhh moment! We made it down the steps, some of us laughing, some crying, most of us had twitching legs at the bottom, but I must say and we all agree, it is a must do. The experience was worth it and the view, the adrenaline, and the many steps will be something we will all remember, as well as the church itself.

After church we had free time, some students walked La Rambla and the Gothic Barri and some went to rest. Adam and I went through La Rambla and ate lunch in some square, the name is not coming to me at the moment. I ordered sangria and the waiter said something and then one? And I said Si, One. So when she brought back a pitcher of Sangria Adam and I were laughing! I thought I ordered one glass but I guess I ordered a pitcher. Quite tasty I must say. I had a salad and Adam had a steak of some sort. (shocking what we ordered huh!) Then we went on a walk to find the Augustus towers that were made in 1 BC. While looking for them we went through the Barri Gothic again to the Cathedral of Barcelona. This time the Cloister of the church was opened and it was another beautiful church. There was a little man made pond with geese and water fountains. A large Nativity was set up that we were able to walk through and we also walked through the little areas set up with statues where you can light a candle and say a prayer. Still on our search for the Augustus towers we walked and walked and walked. We walked through Barri Gothic, we found ourselves in a section where the locals live. At this point my first impressions were changed. The city was alive, the stores were open, the restaurants were booming, tapas and wine everywhere! This is what I was expecting Barcelona to be, I wanted to get lost in the windy cobblestone streets and just take it all in. We just were enjoying the walk so much that we ended up at the port. We didn’t cross over to the water and realized we needed to walk back and how far out the way we went and that we didn’t see the Augustus temples! So we did a quick walk back to the hotel to meet the students for dinner. Dinner was nice; food wasn’t that great. Good conversations about the day, planning of videos and editing. A great day in Barcelona totally changed my first impressions and found not only what I was originally expecting but even more. We all are so happy that we will return. There is so much we want to see and do!


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