Dos Hermanas, Seville, Espana

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Europe » Spain
May 10th 2008
Published: May 15th 2008
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Southern Spain

This campground is complete with its very own rooster. However, the poor creature doesn't seem to understand at what hour he is to do his "thing". So "cock-a doodle-do" went on and off during the night!
With our bus schedule in hand we are off to Seville, for a full day in Seville. It is a bit of a walk to the bus stop. It is always a challenge to attack a new city, especially one with so many places to visit. Our first stop was the Visitor's Center. Then on to Seville's Cathedral and La Giralda. This is one opulent cathedral! The cathedral occupies the former site of a great mosque, and houses many fine works of art. La Giralda, its huge bell tower and the beautiful Patio de los Naranjos (oranges), are a legacy of this Moorish structure. Again we got caught up in the narrow cobblestone streets that have no rhyme or reason.
Stopping for lunch, we ordered Italian, NEVER order Italian in Espana, we were punished for it. Seville's dazzling Plaza de Espana in the Parque Maria Luisa is quite impressive. As we walked, the highlight of my day was the park. It had bikes for rent and lots of bike trails and beautiful spring flowers.

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20th May 2008

Magnificent Buildings
Both Portugal and Spain appear to have many magnificent buildings. So huge and elaborate. Quite impressive. How do you figure out the public transportation when you don't speak the language?

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