Americas Cup Match Party 2007

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June 21st 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Start of the night

Video 3
It was off to the ball last night.....being given notice at 12pm that Brendan would be available for us to attend the Cup Match Party left me little time to get organised. Try finding a suitable dress for oneself when heavily (almost 8 months pregnant) for a black tie event!! Now factor in a 2 1/2 year old that has just woken from his daily nap (at 3pm) to be told that mamma has to go shopping for a dress and needs him to be patient while she you smell trouble??
2 hours was the record time. Not bad considering when comparing times to other short noticed mums.
The night kicked off at 930pm, red carpet entry (of course) very funny when the paps (paparazzi) bulbs are flashing at you because they're not sure who you are but figure, they should get some pics 'just in case'...
Moet and any other beverage of choice flowed abundantly all night (damn it, these events are always held when I am pregnant and practising 'sans alcohol' !) but I must say I am glad we made the effort to go to this one. Duran Duran was the headlining act and didn't disappoint,
Looking back out down the red carpetLooking back out down the red carpetLooking back out down the red carpet

Can you believe its 930pm in this pic, it doesn't get dark here till about 10!
the boys still know how to get the crowd going...
We left sometime after midnight, as my poor feet couldn't take my skyscraping stilettos a minute longer.
All in all a fabulous night creating memories to last and stories to tell for a lifetime...

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


First room after entryFirst room after entry
First room after entry

This was the first room we walked through, stilt walkers all around, you had to weave our way through them to the next room...
Second roomSecond room
Second room

To the right there was a guy playing a white grand piano and up in the balcony amongst all the red is a lady with an amazing diamond encrusted headpiece serenading everyone as they walked through...
Final SpaceFinal Space
Final Space

Outdoor, completely open air.

22nd June 2007

great photos darl, you both looked very much the part, loved your outfit carlz, didn't look very pregnant at all, so glad you did make the effort, great memories as you said, take care my loves, talk soon.
23rd June 2007

Hey you big knobs !
Hi guys ...wonderful hearing you are smooching around with the upper class should have asked me along to speak to them ..I would have cut a good ideal...around $300k for a half hour speil ! Keep the travel blogs coming ...they are very interesting ...and we are all a wee bit jealous that we are not there with you. But you never know what the future holds. Life is good here ..although a wee bit stressful of late. Will be off to Tims wedding in a few weeks..look forward to it .. Love to all. Homer, Meryl, Marcus, Jerome and Daniel ....xxxxxxx
23rd June 2007

We love these photos
Thanks for sharing your journey can't wait to give you all a hug, and see the new addition. All is well my life is the same old same old can't keep up with your wonderful stories and photos, the only thing that has happened is I have grey hair now Jerome got his L plates my journey has just begun!!!!!!!!!!Try telling a 16/2 year old things, its amazing how wise and how much they know!!!!!!NOT!!!!!!!! Love you all and God bless you throughout your journey. MERYL
23rd June 2007

hi ya
Hello, just returned from a night out and looking at your piccies and vids!! Carls, your looking like an angel (thats from the boys) and Brenno....... looking hotttt also hunnie (thats from the girls) Joel says... "Brenno I love you" , (by the way he has had a big night) we all cant wait to see you all 4 really soon .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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