Un poco aburrido

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Europe » Spain » Principality of Asturias
March 25th 2006
Published: March 28th 2006
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Andrea and I woke up at 11 and ate breakfast. I had freshly squeezed orange juice. Lovely! Then I took a shower, went on the computer, and did homework. I felt kind of awkward in her house because I never knew where to go or what to do. We couldn’t watch t.v. because her grandfather was in there, so I just pretended I had a lot to do.

We chilled until it was time for lunch. I’m not sure exactly what I had, but I’m not complaining. It was good. Her parents are so sweet and her sister is really cool too. I enjoyed eating with them. I just wish I had more to say! At least I could understand them. Oh yeah, and we celebrated her birthday. Her parents made her leave the kitchen and brought out an apple pie and put candles in it. She got a new cell phone for her birthday.
I didn’t know what else to do after lunch, so I took a little nap. I’m not sure if I fell asleep or not, but I guess it doesn’t really matter. Then we went to Gijon and visited her friend Anna. I bet Anna is really cool and absolutely hilarious, but for some reason I couldn’t understand a word she said! She is so animated and I loved watching her tell stories, I just didn’t know what she was saying. I would catch things here and there, but never the whole story or even how one part connected to the other! But I went to my first cervezeria and that was pretty cool. Sometimes I wish I liked beer.

After we walked around for a bit, we went back to house. I tried to hang out with everyone and resisted going in my room. Nobody was doing anything. We just sat in her parents bedroom and pretended we had something to talk about. I finally left and did homework. We got ready to go out and I thought there wasn’t going to be dinner. You know I love my food. I was scared and starving! Her mother told me that I looked tired, but when I said I was just hungry, she told me not to worry because we were going to eat.

Phew! They just don’t know what would have happened if they didn’t feed me! It’s something I suggest no one do. FEED ME! So we went to this sangria place and had to wait for like 40 minutes. I’m surprised I made it. We didn’t even order until 12! Who eats that late! We just had tapas, so they came pretty quick. I felt like such a beast. No one else was eating! Usually that would stop me and I would try to eat slow and act like I wasn’t hungry, but I couldn’t pretend! I gobbled that junk up! I really need to give those girls lessons on how to eat. Goodness!

Finally at around 2 I called my boys to see where they were at. I thought they would be out partying but they were all in bed! I couldn’t believe it. The only thought that got me through the day was that I was going to see my boys at night, and then I couldn’t see them! Disappointed does not even come close to home I felt. I was so devastated I didn’t even know what to do. I tried to pretend I was happy and having a good time. I don’t know how well I did.

I finally got over it and told myself I was going to have fun anyway. That plan sorta worked out. The fun came in spurts. Andrea spent all night talking to Anna and since I couldn’t understand her, I just flat out stopped listening. I tried to dance, but they weren’t really dancing. It’s kind of hard to dance alone, especially when you don’t know any of the songs. But every once in a while I got to shake my little booty. Finally her sister got tired and we called it a night. Maybe next time.


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