Day 32 Baarmonde to Miraz 15K

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May 30th 2017
Published: June 2nd 2017
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As bad as yesterday was, today was 180 degrees to the better. The weather has finally cleared, nice blue skies with white puffy clouds temp. around 60 to start perfect walking weather. I am brought back to Baaramonde to begin the Camino. It starts off on the highway, which I was warned about this morning, but it's only 4K to the trail. Thats a good warm up anyway. After 4K on the highway the Camino turns left off the highway to fantasy land. Perfect forested path, of dry well marked walking trail. The Camino wonders by centuries old churches, huge farms with incredible rock wall around them. The weather is great, the path is great, the markers are plentiful I just could not be happier. Time can go by so quickly when the kind of conditions exist, I try not to take for granted this kind amazing day of walking in woodland areas, beautiful creeks with old unique bridges, tidy farm houses, bountiful gardens and friendly locals. I have found that simple eye contact, a wave or a verbal greeting is always returned. It seems that all the farms and houses along the Camino belong to older folks, I have not seen any of the younger generation, tending gardens, mowing lawns, planting flowers or even sitting on a porch. When I see an older person sitting on a bench, 200ft from the Camino, I can see them watching who is passing and I now always wave and shout a greeting, it is always returned. Before I started the Camino I would avoid contact with strangers at all costs, now I find myself initiating contact just to see the reaction. Its always been positive, a smile given, is a smile returned, a wave initiated is a wave returned, a greeting initiated is one returned. On such a beautiful day in a beautiful setting why not express happiness!

Back to the trail the 15K goes by too fast and with conditions always changing I decide to keep walking. Miraz is at the bottom of a 967Ft rise, why not get this out of the way now, I decide. Why leave it to tomorrow, it could rain or be too hot. The climb is pretty easy or I am getting used to going up, the mountain is gorgeous, big open meadows, great rock formations, large tracks of timber, nice vistas, its all good. I run into a girl I have seen almost every day since Santilla del Mar. She was always walking slowly with a group of 3 or more, I have passed her several times over the last 14 days. Today she was alone a walking really fast, I say hello and she responds in like form. I ask her when she intends to reach Santiago? As she is almost running, she looks really sad and says she must leave for Brazil in 2 days, and she cannot make Santiago. She explains she went too slow in the beginning, and now can't make up the distance. I tell her I am sorry, and she stops and looks at me with a big smile, and say's"don't be sorry, I will be back to do the last 100K again, I am addicted". I get it.

I cross the mountain and reach Cannaba in a short 3 hours from Miraz. That leaves me a short 15K tomorrow, and I finish with 28K today. I like the option to travel according to the conditions and my mood. Who knows what tomorrow brings.


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