Monument to Miguel Cervantes

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
March 9th 2015
Published: March 9th 2015
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The Monument to Miguel Cervantes is on the center of Plaza de España. The whole monument is stunning but the one I really loved was the bronze sculptures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. The sculpture consists mainly of Don Quixote riding a horse and Sancho Panza riding a donkey. These sculptures made me laugh because they look real. The moment I saw the sculptures I ran and told my dad to put be above the horse so that I could ride the horse with Don Quixote.

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10th March 2015

yeah, that's so you
I love your travelogue, Vale. You have a way telling stories, and you made me smile when you said you wanted to ride the old were you at the time? :D
10th March 2015

Awe miss thank you, haha I was 6 years old.

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