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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
March 7th 2010
Published: March 7th 2010
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Hola a todos me allegro que esta con migo.
Its a crazy so far. whore houses, men, my company, food, exchange, vespa, and me.
The time I was here I was getting use to idea of just staying here for only three months and going back home. not anymore. actually I dont know when Ill be back. the thing is once I leave I cant back for another 10 years. if you want to know why call me and ill let you know. so where to begin:
It was a dark gay night. I was walking around Gran Via bar hoping. I had 4 beers in me. I had to break the seal. I go into the frist bar I see. It was nice. lots of girls and a few guys. The music was great, for once Lady gaga wasnt playing. I go striaght into the bathroom. I come out go to the bar and order a drink. The bartender was really nice. she came out from behind the bar and sat down next to me. she was hitting on me. asking me all these questions about where I am from and what i do in life. I told a wild story that I was a difter from the mountains of Mexico and I came to look for a wife in Spain. I thought that would scare her away, I was wrong. she ask me if wanted to order her a drink I said hell no. The other girls overheard or where listening to she said and then they encourage me to order her a drink I said fine get the cheapest thing. So we are chit chating for an hour then I decide to leave, I ask for the bill. total 40 for two drinks. I was like what the hell is this. my drink was 10 and her drink was 30. I told her why did that cost so much. she said this is a "club". Translation: whore house. I told her if you think I am paying you for a service i never receive you must be out of your dam mind. and I walk right out. I went home and took three showers and cried myself to sleep. and that was my first encounter with a prositute. Prositution is legal here in grand o' espana. something I never knew. Anytime you find yourself in these "club" dont order a whore a drink.

I misspoke about the attractiveness of men in this country. The men here are hottttttttttttt. I manage to bag about 6 hoties. they a little crazy but nevertheless hot. one guy for example told he loved me after only going out for two weeks, he thought my name was Matthew. There was this other guy I thought his name was alejandro, he sends me a text saying that we should see other people because I seem to mistake his name for someone elses. Till this day I still dont know his name. I ended breaking up with all my boyfriends because was too much work remembering their names have the time I couldnt the name I made up for myself. Im left with no friends just my roomates.
My new company...gay.

Since I hate working for other people and hate when people what to do. I have decided to start a business. the name is Talk to Me World. We tutor and instruct people who want to learn a new language. I started the company about 1 week ago and I already have 10 possible clients. not bad for just one week. There was time in my life where I wanted to be doctor that was so last year. Now I am a business man. I guess. I was voted to be the most successful in Bombers, its time to show them why. I am dying to open up my own bar. Ideally I would like to have a bar in Spain, but who knows. Its going to happen one way or the other.

I rode on a vespa for the frist time yesterday. I was out with some potential clients and my roommate Miguel. note to self: dont get really drunk with my roommate. we went to this bar. we were trying to convince men to have a threesome in the bathroom. we saw this couple in one bar and I went up to them and said "hey fag, you want to fuck". my roommate was mortifed. I think that will be the last he takes me out with him. We rode on his vespa and I was throwing coins and rocks at people. I almost threw up in my helmet. at the end of the night we went into this heavy metal bar. it was really wierd. everyone had metallica shirts on, I was like what the fuck is this. we got home about 9 i think. the sun was shining. sun rise is not till 830am here. I woke up and there was frying pan in the middle of the floor. i dont remember eating or cooking anything.

The food here sucks ass. Thank god I know how to cook if not I would have dieed.

I have been enjoying myself. I having the best time of my life. I do recommend you to do this, get out and live and different country. espeacially europe they love NYers. everytime I say i am NYC, they become bugeyed.

Ill try to update this thing more often at least once a week maybe.

The quote of the day is: "leave those breast on the table and take your teeth out of your ass".


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