Getting there

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
May 9th 2007
Published: May 9th 2007
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My daughterMy daughterMy daughter

A photo of my daughter
I woke to the alarm at 6:55 am. Oddly, my little finger hurt because I must have slept on it wrong. I did not get much sleep as even though I had been packing over the last 3 days, I would flop tired into bed, but then think of one last thing and get back up to pack it. I think I finally was able to fall asleep at midnight when I was certain I done. It is always this way before a big trip. I remembered my passport at the last minute. I need to get more organized! I forgot to pack my melatonin to help with the time difference.

My son, Kazan, picked me up on time and drove me to the airport, Seatac. There was road construction and traffic was backed up in Kent. We tried not to stress out because we crawled around the detour. I gave myself 2 hours to check in before my flight. The construction would cut that to 1.5 hours.

As we drove he told me that he got his safety inspection job that he was going for. He is now working 2 jobs trying to catch up on bills.
My sonMy sonMy son

A photo of my son Kazan
He likes the possibility of climbing the ladder at this place. I am happy for him and hope this works out the way he wants. He played a song from a Staid CD which I remembered listening to while sailing on the sound (Pudget Sound) with Chuck. It's been a while now since I've seen the candles light your face... . The song took me back to a splendid happy day we had on Impulsive. I told my son I wanted a copy to put on my Ipod.

When we got to departures I asked Kazan to just drop me at American Airlines (AA). My ticket was electronic and for Iberia Airlines. Iberia is not listed at Seatac so luckily I guessed correctly that it was partnered with AA. Kazan jumped out and pulled my luggage from the trunk and gives me a hug. He said he'd mow the lawn while I was gone and I hope he does, because the lawn needs it badly. The lawnmower is hard to start so I cross my fingers. I worry about the house looking un lived in while I am away.

I checked in after waiting 20 minutes and checked my suitcase which is the same that the flight crew uses. I used to carry it onboard but with the new liquid restrictions I now check it. I learned from previous trips to put a TSA approved lock on it. I headed to the gate with my carry on - a backpack which also has a lock. I had removed everything liquid. I emptied my water bottle but kept the bottle to refill on the plane. I learned that now they allow up to 3 oz's of liquid but they want it out in a plastic bag. On the way to the gate I bought a postcard with a beautiful Seattle city scene to show the Spaniards where I live. At the gate I sat down next to Heather and we became friendly. I said "no I was not going to Chicago but going onto Spain - that I needed the trip because things going on in my life." She said I would have a great time and she had things going on in her's too. She said she had just left her husband and her job was taking off, in fact she was going to Chicago on buisness. I told her about my work and my single life. I said I did not have good luck with men - "give me your tired, your poor, your hungry" just like the statue of liberty. She laughed then said she was the same way, she had the same luck. She was younger than I in her mid 30's and seemed outgoing, fun and attractive. She said she liked me, that I was funny. Then we boarded the plane.

At the moment, I am extremely thirsty and the drink cart is getting close. We are in the back of the plane, rows 25/26. Yes, Heather ended up sitting right behind me. I have done this trip several times but it does not get old. I try to get a window seat so I can look out at the scenery. I attempt sleep, but only achieve rest. I tried to read my book, Ghost Warrior. Now I'm just writing in my journal. The older thin woman next to me is doing her word puzzles and she's very nice. I brought a photo album to show my Spanish students and showed her my children. She exclaimed "You don't look old enough to have a granddaughter!" Cool. I hear that a lot and of course love it. It's been sunny the whole trip so far. Finally, I got a diet coke and asked for a bottle of water which was $2. I forgot I could have them fill mine. They sold sandwiches for $5, snackes $3 each. I wasn't interested. I love flying, when things go well of course I love take-offs the most. I begin to think of all I have to do with my house (remodeling). Heather and I wished we were flying first class, "Oh, you are all out of coach seats?! Darn!" and we laugh. The sun is hitting my arm and I so like that warmth. I hope it will be sunny there, but the Vaughn systems newletter warned of cold weather at night. I only brought 2 shoes and one light velvet jacket.

On the plane I have time to think. I think of my daugther and her new business. She is doing well and I am proud and hope it thrives. Her website is Then I dwell on my single life.

I was reunited with Greg when I had actually been hoping to see him just a few days ago. Coincidence? Greg is a good looking and charismatic red/blonde haired 39 year old Irishman. He has a great body and average height. He sounds like the Gecko on the Geigo commercial. "Would you like to see me again love?" he asks invitingly. I meet up with him and we dance. He tried hard to make me laugh. Unfortunately, I was upset and sad as I wasn't sure of him anymore. He kissed me as we danced and I melted for a moment. I wanted this but was he sincere? He spoke of his kickboxing in Oregon, of his training program and his trainer, his new truck and his homes. It was clear he wanted to impress me. He wanted me to feel his hard stomach, his chest. It felt to me like it had months earlier, but he was proud of how much muscle he had gained from his training 3 hours each day. I thought to myself, I'd love to train 3 hours a day. We discussed how things ended between us before and he said, "You left me". He said that when I had gone down to California to take care of my brother who was hospitalized in October 06 he thought I was seeing someone else. He was different when I got back and he admitted he had trust issues. I had no idea what had happened. He wanted to get closer now, but I said I wasn't sure. I felt hurt from the past and yet part of me wanted to try again. We went out to talk in his new pick-up in which the tires were taller than my hips, it drawfed my small car when he drove up next to it. He called me a brat, he joked and he was affectionate. He held my hand and looked at me saying, "I want to be your forever lover". I wanted to say to him, "And how many women do you say that to?" but I didn't. I know he'd say the same thing as before - I am the only one. I am suspicious because he's a sweet talker, saying just what I want to hear. I suspect he's a player and my instincts tell me he is trouble. I just wish he wasn't so fun. He is playful and affectionate which is hard to resist. When we parted, he said he would call but he did not. Well, what will be will be. There is a man on this flight several rows up with a beautiful face, so much like Justin's. I do miss Justin's face, he is so beautiful. I wonder in the two weeks I am gone if I will be missed and if so, by whom?

Right now we are 3 hours from Chicago and there are snow covered mountains below when only moments earlier there were farms on flat land. So far all has been smooth. Part of making this trip is to get past the fear of repeating my last international trip which was like a trip from hell. After my last trip I wondered if I'd ever travel internationally again with 36 hours travel time and no luggage for 9 days. I had made it right after a London terrorist plot was uncovered and unfortunately had gone through London. The only good part of that was meeting Lee Saunders, a musician.

When the plane landed in Chicago I planned to eat with Heather but when I checked for my gate/time the attendent said, "You have no time! Go!". I gave Heather my card and asked her to email me.

Now I am flying out of Chicago. I had stopped quickly on the way to the terminal across the airport and grabbed a McDonalds kids happy meal. It came with kids American Idol headphones. I sat down on the plane next to a young man with dark complexion and hair braids. He said the attendants had joked he was someone from American Idol and wanted him to sing. I don't watch that show so don't know any contestents. I brought out my play Idol earphones and he laughed, played with them and shared them with his buddies sitting behind us. He was nice, friendly. We have been laughing a lot and his friends said "What are you two doing up there? We are getting jealous". It is still sunny with small clouds dotting below. I had to put on my IPOD as the Iberia flight kept playing a slow Spanish rendition of Bowie's Cha Cha Cha Changes over and over again which the young man beside me and his friends all groaned. My Ipod is playing "I know she's crazy about you, I'd probably be the same if you were my old man. Maybe next lifetime..." from PCD's Don'tca. I am reading Ghost Warrior which is based on a girl's Apache life: The girls horse was shot while she was in a horse race and winning. They are handing out earphones. I wonder if we are going to offered a good movie? Now I'm listening to the Rolling Stones, Rain falls down and I feel like dancing. I love music. Mario, my seatmate, makes hand puppets of his complimentary travel sox they gave us and makes me giggle. These seats are uncomfortable. Mario is resting his thigh against mine making it hot. Yawn. My lips are dry so its time to get out the water that I bought on the other airplne. I am so tired my eyes water. They serve dinner and I chose the chicken which came with a french roll, butter and cheese which I ate first. It also included a shrimp and tomato salad, yellow rice, green peas and a piece of Tiramiso cake. I loved the creamy cake. Mario had free beer with his meal and I had wine which was good. I exclaim, "Oh la la! real Spanish wine before I even land in Spain!'. My eyes are tired and I am hot. Mario is easy going and funny and tells me his parents are from Guatemala which explains his dark complexion. Except for his thigh laying against mine, I am glad he is my seatmate. It is dark out and I am sure now we are over water. I am cold. Later I am warm again. I am reading Ghost Warrior: She hid from the Mexican's who attacked her village. She went back to the Village later and her father is dead. She took things she needed and left creeping along the ground to keep from being caught. A typical scene from these historical novels which bores me.

Just when I decide to settle in for a nap, a movie is starting. It's about a new young teacher in a ghetto LA school. Mario comes back with a beer and asks if I want wine? Yes please. He leaves to get me one as they are serving only in the back of the plane. It took him a while but returns with a small bottle of red wine and a glass. I smile and thank him warmly. We are drinking and watching the movie together which was pretty good. It was touching. She teaches them about the Jews and Holocaust including Ann Frank. They want to meet the woman who sheltered Ann Frank and she brought her to the classroom. One young man says to her, "I've never had a hero before - now you are my hero". She says, "Oh no, I am not a hero I only did what I needed to do. You are my hero's" she says. I may have teared up, not sure. I was so tired when the movie ended.

I took a nap putting on my eye mask and woke when breakfast was served. We had OJ, crossiants, a little cranberry muffin and cantalope and grapes. My cantalope was not ripe. Mario brought out some strawberry jam and I joke, "Oh you have jam?! I didn't get jam" and I pout. Even though I am just joking he offers me some. I say "no, no, I do't need any" but he decides I do and says we'll share. He takes half and gives me the rest. Awww, he is so sweet. The sunlight is coming up quickly and I look out the window to see land beneath us. They have given us customs forms to fill out and as Mario fills his out I notice he is 25 years old. I think we will all be glad to get off this airship after 8 hours time. My ears pop as we descend. So far I have been traveling about 15 hours. Mario and his friends talk excitedly as we deplane. They are planning a whirlwind trip around Europe in only a short amount of time. They expect little time to sleep. I wish him well.


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