Gold Shoes and Bullfighting

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
May 14th 2007
Published: May 14th 2007
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Plaza RealPlaza RealPlaza Real

Here is the front of the Castle we went to in Madrid.
Im not sure if this travelblog thing is working. Regardless I will write a quick note. Today was crazy. It is the beginning of the Festival de San Isidro so the town is gearing up for a BIG party tomorrow night. This morning we woke up early and went to the cafe for breakfast. EVERYONE smokes everywhere you go, and they are not polite about it they blow it right in your face!! We took the subway to the Theatro Real, from there we walked all day and all night. We went to the Palace Real which was just amazing. We had lunch at the Plaza Meyor and cafe con leches in the Puerta Del Sol. If you could do a tour of Madrid in one day I think we did it. We went to the Muesuem of Modern Art which had like 4 rooms of Dali. It was amazing. From there we took the subway to the Plaza del Orr and watched a Bullfight. was a little intense. There were about 24,000 people there all yelling and screaming and of course smoking. After watching 3 bulls get killed we decided that was about all we could take.
Flamenco ShoesFlamenco ShoesFlamenco Shoes

Little Baby Flamenco Shoes
Time to take the subway home. We stopped by a local grocery store for dinner which will be bread w no crust and peanut butter. I think we are sick of Beef and french fries for today. A quick style note....everyone here wears gold shoes. Claudia I could only imagine if you were here as I counted them everywhere I went. Tomorrow we are going to go to the Prado for most of the day and then we will partake in the festivities of the evening. The fesitval is the biggest of the year for Madrid. I will post pix time on the internet is running out.

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The Bullfight at the Plaza del Torros.
Little Girls Little Girls
Little Girls

This is a pic of the little girls outside of the Plaza Meyor for the Festival de San Fermin.

17th May 2007

Lucky you!!
Sounds fun dont be crazy---he f'n he--OH YAH dont forget to try Absinthe
23rd May 2007

Sounds like you are having the greatest time! Do they smoke more than the Japanese or just ruder about it? Well get you some gold shoes girl and we'll hit the town when you return. Love and miss you!
31st May 2007

Q buenas fotos! y yo sigo en ecuador!!! Me encanta viajar aunque sea a traves de fotos de tus viajes!! Q lo disfrutes!! un abrazo Nicolas
1st June 2007

Hey Poochie Cheeks
Mercedes! You are traveling the world without me. That was not the plan. However, I am glad you are having a good time. Keep writing in your travel journal. I enjoy reading it.
4th June 2007

im adding a comment because i didnt have a computer then.those little flamenco shoes in the store window were precious. that was my fav pic so glad you say a buillfight in is pretty intense.your photo of the ring is great. i love the little girl pic too.get your photos printed out the minute you get home on disks im dying to see allmof them!!!!mommy loves sadie

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