Tarragona and the Roman Ruins

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May 31st 2019
Published: May 31st 2019
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As someone who greatly enjoys history, the day in Tarragona was a high point in understanding how deeply embedded the Roman Empire was in Spanish culture. In my own experiences I’ve only ever learned about Rome, Italy. Spending Thursday exploring the underground tunnels and high towers of the ruins was exciting and a rewarding sight.

Paired with the day before, where we had an opportunity to explore another set of underground ruins in the gothic quarter of Barcelona - we see the residuals of a history that still impacts the customs today. Our tour guide on this day made many references to the ways Roman culture still impacts not just Spanish culture, but American/global culture. For the way we view beauty to the names of the months, it appears in many different ways.

I enjoyed seeing the great number of school children on field trips on this day - not only because they were being granted the opportunity to learn about ancient history in a way we are unable to in the United States, but because of the diversity and interactions I was able to see between the students. I’d never known much about the Spanish schooling system, but learning about this deeply embedded history from young and then learning that there is a great value in preserving that history (even through the requirement of students having to learn Catalan in schools within this region) shows a sense of pride in the history. It made me excited for the students.

Later that day we spent the afternoon on the beach after enjoying another delicious meal. There is something very simple about Spanish food, yet the flavors are so well executed that they exceed expectations. I came into this trio expecting to enjoy the food and even in the situations where I am uncertain I may like something, utilizing the tips for the cultural competency in David Livermore’s Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success, I expanded upon his suggestion to at least try some different cultural foods which have been offered to me. In the end, on many occasions, it has left me pleased and content!


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