Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado - 27 km

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June 17th 2015
Published: June 17th 2015
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We were woken up (after hardly sleeping) at 7 a.m. by the nuns telling us to "get going" soon. Despite having a lousy sleep, we were pretty peppy starting out. I felt pretty good for the first 15 km or so, but then hit a bit of a wall and my legs felt like lead! It was very tough going, but good old Italia and Andrew did their best to "entertain"' me with funny stories and then ghost stories - anything to keep my mind off the distance left. Italia even had to pull out the "big gun" - dark chocolate - as an enticement to keep going (it worked : ) ,

One of the many things we laughed at all day is that the distances left and the distance travelled always seem to be in disagreement with one another: one sign will say "5 km" to go while another one 50 Meters away will say "8 km" to go - it is quite hilarious (or frustrating - depending on how late in the day it is!).

Finally reached Belorado - lovely town. Found a great hostel - only 6 euros for the night and a fantastic 3
Ancient ChurchAncient ChurchAncient Church

Just outside of Santo Domingo, Spain
course homemade dinner for 10 euros. The only problem is that there are about 24 bunk beds in one room and, as usual, we have some "power snorers" - the other "hazard" on the Camino besides blisters! Tonight is shaping up to be particularly bad - I can tell already and it's only 10 pm! Haven't had to pull the earplugs out for several days, but that streak is going to end tonight : )

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Ancient Stone Baptisimal FontAncient Stone Baptisimal Font
Ancient Stone Baptisimal Font

Inspired by the Roman period
Abel and I Enroute to BelradoAbel and I Enroute to Belrado
Abel and I Enroute to Belrado

Hope I can keep up with him : ) !
Love The Ancient ChurchesLove The Ancient Churches
Love The Ancient Churches

Lovingly taken Care Of ...

17th June 2015

Universal truth
It's a universal truth: dark chocolate is the answer to so many of life's challenges. Keep going, Lynda. You can do this!
18th June 2015

Some days there's just not enough chocolate ....
Thanks Florence! I tell you, this has been a tough go some days! Thank goodness for people like you who keep me going .... Miss you! ?
17th June 2015

Hi Lynda, how great it is to hear from you and to journey along beside you.. I have learned so much since you began your journey. Thank you for keeping us all involved, I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you, I suspect it's much like a book, the sooner you get to the end the more you will want it to go on.
19th June 2015

I am enjoying reading your daily logs. You are a good writer. You are on an incredible journey. Keep on trucking!!
19th June 2015

Thank you : )
Thanks Tim - that's very kind of you. Writing these blogs helps me to keep my days organized; otherwise I wouldn't have a clue what day it is or where I've been! This is a great trip, but very hard on the bod and, at times, hard on the mind!

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