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June 15th 2006
Published: June 15th 2006
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hola amigos,
el fin de semana pasado, yo fui a sevilla y granada. a mi me gusta sevilla mucho. mis amigos y yo tenemos mucho divertido en sevilla. Lisa y yo compramos en sevilla y buscamos en la cathedral. En granada, la cathedral fue muy bonita blanca. Granada fue muy interestante porque hay mucho historia. a mi me gustan los hoteles porque el tele tuvo CNN en ingles. jaja. Janessa y yo miraramos CNN y aprendemos el ¨world cup.´ los personas en euope son muy loco por el ´world cup¨. !futbol es los personas deporte favorita! Manaña viajamos a Portugal. Lisbon tiene una playa. yay! a mi me gustan los vacciones durante los fin de semanas.

adios amigos!


(for all you english speakers...i just wrote what i did the other day but in spanish. ill update you guys after the weekend to let you all know how portugal went!


15th June 2006

CNN and World Cup
It has something to do with Cathedrals - (this time a white one) must be a lot of them there!!! and watching CNN in English at the hotel, World Cup and that you are off to Lisbon Portugal soon. I bet there is a lot of World Cup fever there. Just last night I was watching the travel show and Drew Carey was in Madrid with the Real Madrid Soccer team and went to the game against Barcelona - evidently a very big thing there. He met the top Real Madrid player - Raoul - I think his name was - very cute!!! You must be loving looking at those Spanish men!!! One more thing - I bet your Spanish spelling is better then your English!!!!! Mama Mia!!!! Love ya, Ter
15th June 2006

Hola, beware of the Spanish very hot sun...enjoy a lttle R and R. I hear the local crafts are fabulous in Portugal, especially the pottery. Can't wait to see you, miss you so much.

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