Villafranca to Burgos

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Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Burgos
June 16th 2015
Published: June 17th 2015
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Up early and ready to climb. Leaving our Pension we saw Dominick, the gentleman from France, riding by. I called out his name and he stopped to chat. We were all heading to Burgos and staying the the same hotel. We made plan to meet for dinner. Today the weather was overcast with a threat of rain. We headed out and were hiking our bikes just leaving the city. Fortunately, it was a short climb. Once at the top we rode a platue for quite awhile. We stopped in the town St Juan del Ortega for breakfast. It's population said 20. The cathedral was beautiful and the cafe had delicious food and coffee. After that it was a gradual down ward descend into Burgos. Only 25 miles today. Burgos is a very large city. We spent at least an hour riding in town to our hotel. A lovely hotel Nortes y Londres in the shopping district. We had a little balcony looking out to plaza and a large tub. After arriving we showered and walked around a bit. Back at the hotel we had much needed down town. I called and talked to both my girls and my mom. Mike was standing on the balcony and saw Dominick leaving the Hotel. We went down and met him. He was headed to the bike shop to get new tires. We joined him. Made a plan to meet at 8 for dinner. Then we headed to the second cathedral that took up a whole block of town. It was massive. Weaving our way back to the hotel, Mike stopped for a beer. At 8:15 the 3 of us headed out to find a restaurant to eat at. Several were busy with pilgrims. We found a nice place and were happy to have Dominick help translate some of the food. Great city, great food! Time for bed.

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