First Day in Bilbao

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June 29th 2007
Published: June 29th 2007
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The group outside of el Prado en Madrid.

Not very much to report today. Got on the bus with our luggage this morning. Headed to Museo del Prado, a large contemporary art museum here in Madrid. After lunch back at the hotel we started the 5 hour journey to Bilbao where I will be staying for the rest of my trip. My ears were popping the entire time because of the fluctuations in elevation as we went through the mountains. Bilbao is strikingly different from Madrid. Bilbao is located in a valley between large mountains and is much larger than I had imagined. The pictures will help most in describing how different Bilbao looks and feels compared to Madrid. Out of the front door of my residence hall is the most beautiful view you could imagine. Tonight the city was sprawled in front of me with a large moon in the sky and the silhouette of the Guggenheim in the distance. Picturesque if I say so myself.

Since the day was mostly filled with traveling I want to talk about the Euro for a minute. The Europeans know what they’re doing when it comes to money. They use coins much more than we do in the United

In Bilbao, outside of the Residence hall--Colegio Mayor Deusto. The Hall is about 5 minutes from the Universidad walking.
States because there is no one Euro bill. There are 1€ and 2€ coins, then the standard increments of bills. The rest of the coins are also at better increments than the US, I think: .01, .05, .10, .20, and .50€. I don’t know what it is, but I really like them. Well, that’s all.

Adios Chicos.

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It is impossible to convey the beauty of Bilbao in a picture.

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