Seville Cathedral and the Barrio Santa Cruz

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville
April 27th 2005
Published: May 17th 2005
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Seville CathedralSeville CathedralSeville Cathedral

Archway View
Today we tour the Seville Cathedral and the Barrio Santa Cruz (old Jewish Quarter). I’m finally feeling 100% again, yea! So after breakfast we make the short walk over to the cathedral, touted as being the 3rd largest in Europe. It is impossible to imagine how large it actually is unless you are there in person. The exterior is a fine example of Gothic architecture at it’s most impressive. The interior seems enormous! In the center of the cathedral is the impressive 65 ft. tall altar piece depicting scenes from the life of Jesus, intricately carved out walnut and chestnut and layered in gold leaf (and dust), and the choir which holds 7,000 organ pipes. There are numerous side chambers and altars adjacent to the main area, and a large collection of fine art throughout, a dazzling display of carved wood and stone, marble sculptures, stained glass, and masterpiece paintings. As we exit the cathedral to visit the Barrio Santa Cruz, we look back towards the cathedral through the archway for a fabulous view of the cathedral in all its glory.

The Barrio Santa Cruz is made up of windy narrow lanes, beautiful whitewashed residences with wrought iron latticework balconies

Barrio Santa Cruz
and entrance gates, lovely private gardens, quaint little plazas, shops and cafes. We stop for a late lunch break for some tapas and sangria in one little bar where the locals seem to be hanging out. After lunch we pass through the Plaza de Dona Elvira and then make our way out of the Barrio.

Afterwards we head to the Hotel Alfonso XIII for drinks and some tasty free tapas (mixed nuts and a marinated veggie mix) outside on the bar’s patio while we people watch.
Tonight we attend a flamenco show at The Arenal. The show was great; the flamenco dancers (4 females, 1 male) were all very talented. Afterwards we found a bar close by and enjoyed more tapas and beer. We tried the espinacas con garbanzos (a spinach and garbanzo beans dip) which was delicious! After that place closed we headed down a couple blocks to a British pub for a few more brews, before heading back to our hotel.

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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


Barrio Santa CruzBarrio Santa Cruz
Barrio Santa Cruz

Private residence garden

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